Border inspection stopped 15 thousand trucks and 1.5 billion dollars: Kanakar

National Chamber of Freight Transport (Kanakar) warned that testing and safety measures introduced last week by the Texas governor Greg Abbott stopped progress 15 thousand trucks export, which transports goods one thousand 500 million dollars.

Businessmen pointed out that the problem is not Customs, which has diverted staff to process migrants for two weeks, but that the central problem is slow Texas Department of Public Safety inspections that are allowing cargo to cross the border at too slow a pace.

In a statement, Kanacar expressed “deep concern” about the impacts that have been caused on both Mexico-U.S. bilateral trade and the sector, particularly “due to the Texas government’s decision to impose reviews on units that cross various border bridges.” separating Ciudad Juarez and El Paso.”

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Crisis: closures, rounds…

He noted that the measure “created a crisis that has resulted in closures, detours, increased border crossing times and a significant reduction in export volumes” of various goods from Mexico to the United States.

To date, Canacar said it has experienced “export delays of 15,000 shipments” and the value of goods delayed due to this unforeseen circumstance is “more than $1.5 billion.”

The Chamber repeated its request to the Texas government to “regularize the commercial exchanges which are daily recorded in this region and which represent one of the greatest strengths of the relations between both countries.”

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Barriers Promoted by Governor Abbott

Kanakar believed that such barriers promoted by the Texas government “are not consistent with the spirit of cooperation and the vision for the future embodied within T-MEC.”

“In addition, they have a direct impact on the economies of both countries, impacting supply chains, threatening trade flows in the region and putting tens of thousands of jobs at risk on both sides of the border.”

An estimated 3,500 shipments pass through Ciudad Juarez each day from Mexico to the United States, but only about 1,600 have crossed the border in recent days.

Border warehouses are overflowing and food, many of which are perishable, is stagnant. (EFE)

Source: Aristegui Noticias
