“We do not accept card payments under 15 euros, otherwise we have to charge a commission.” How many times have we heard such responses from merchants or taxi drivers who refuse us to pay with electronic money? In reality, the commission fee is not the same for everyone, because the offers are many and those who ask for the most favorable offers must first of all be traders, who are obliged by law to accept the form of payment without setting a minimum threshold.
Where can I find all the offers?
To overcome all this, from today, in accordance with Article 3 of the “Memorandum of Understanding”, commercial offers of payment service providers authorized to accept card payments from merchants (buyers) are provided to reduce the costs of accepting electronic payments, to make them more understandable and comparable. payment instruments” are located on a special page on the Cnel website, where it is possible to consult all of them with a little patience.
President Renato Brunetta said: “Cnel promotes dialogue between different social and economic components. With our site we aim to contribute to transparency, participation and cooperation with our stakeholders. Cnel accepted the request of the ABI and the other signatories of the protocol and, as a third party, opened a new part of the site “We have dedicated this effort to host and encourage initiatives that can contribute to transparency and inclusion, consistent with our corporate mission.”
transparency operation
The transparency operation, which we read in a note of Confcommercio-Imprese per l’Italia, “is the result of an important operational development of the memorandum of understanding on reducing POS costs signed at the Ministry of Economy and Finance on July 27”, lastly by Confcommercio ABI and APSP (payment service providers union) and other collaborations.
“Among the proposed offers – continues the note – there are several offers offering freebies for transactions of small amounts (up to 10 euros). In some cases there are also promotional offers for existing relationships. Additionally, offers are offered by payment operators (leading banks) for individual merchants.” should use the same standard scheme to highlight the conditions that will apply to the individual merchant at the end of the promotional offer.
Source: Today IT

Roy Brown is a renowned economist and author at The Nation View. He has a deep understanding of the global economy and its intricacies. He writes about a wide range of economic topics, including monetary policy, fiscal policy, international trade, and labor markets.