The guilds and experts spoke out after learning of a report XMin which 36 energy companies would be in serious financial trouble, of which 17 would be marketing companies that would be in trouble due to lack of liquidity, which, in a domino effect, will affect another 19 companies.
Moreover, this is in addition to the fact that the energy price in the stock market continues to break records since the company XMwhich manages and operates the wholesale market of National Interconnected System (SIN), reported that this exceeded the so-called scarcity price. For example, the first reached $1,051 kilowatt hours and the second was at 1,047.65 kWh.
Alejandro Castanedachairman of the National Association of Manufacturing Companies (Andeg)told EL HERALDO that at the moment the energy security from the country.
“There is currently no risk to energy security. What is currently worrying is a financial issue that needs to be resolved urgently, and which cannot translate into a technical problem, but rather into a problem of lack of energy and bankruptcy businessesThat’s why it’s time to address the problem and solve it,” the US President said Andeg.
Source: El heraldo

Roy Brown is a renowned economist and author at The Nation View. He has a deep understanding of the global economy and its intricacies. He writes about a wide range of economic topics, including monetary policy, fiscal policy, international trade, and labor markets.