The shock in vehicle insurance is increasing: Regions with the highest insurance costs

Never-before-seen increases for insuring your car. In just 12 months, the average premium paid by Italian drivers for four-wheeler insurance increased by 27.9%, reaching an average of over 120-130 euros. The list of regions with the highest increase is led by Umbria, where rates increased by an average of 37.9% last month compared to the previous year. It is followed by Lazio (+36%) and Sardinia (+34.4%). Looking at absolute values, Campania is always on the land: to insure a car in the region you need an average of 1,062.49 euros; this is 73% above the national average.

There are also areas where things are much better and reasonable amounts are being spent. Friuli-Venezia Giulia is always the cheapest region; Insuring your four-wheeler costs on average 415.92 euros. Then came Trentino-Alto Adige (443.88 euros) and Lombardy (474.38 euros). According to the observatory, the most requested option by drivers is roadside assistance; 43.6% of insured people prefer this. Among the most common additional coverages, driver accident coverage (19.2%) is far behind legal protection (14.8%) and theft and fire coverage (10.6%).

Average premium difference September 2023 – September 2022

  • Abruzzo (average premium) €509.76 (increase in 2023) 28.0%
  • Basilicata and
  • Calabria (average premium) €673.07 (increase in 2023) 18.5%
  • Campania (average premium) €1,062.49 (increase in 2023) 21.4%
  • Emilia-Romagna (average premium) €521.14 (increase in 2023) 27.6%
  • Friuli-Venezia Giulia (average premium) €415.92 (increase in 2023) 27.0%
  • Lazio (average premium) €639.91 (increase in 2023) 36.0%
  • Liguria (average premium) €614.83 (increase in 2023) 32.9%
  • Lombardy (average premium) €474.38 (increase in 2023) 32.0%
  • Marche (average premium) €563.00 (increase in 2023) 29.2%
  • Molise and
  • Piedmont (average premium) €556.01 (increase in 2023) 29.7%
  • Puglia (average premium) €665.36 (increase in 2023) 25.2%
  • Geranium (average premium) €539.35 (increase in 2023) 34.4%
  • Sicily (average premium) €617.24 (increase in 2023) 29.6%
  • Tuscany (average premium) €651.84 (increase in 2023) 31.8%
  • Trentino-Alto Adige (average premium) €443.88 (increase in 2023) 24.9%
  • Umbria (average premium) €570.69 (increase in 2023) 37.9%
  • Valle D’Aosta
  • Veneto (average premium) €498.90 (increase in 2023) 33.5%
  • Italy (average premium) €614.39 (increase in 2023) 27.9%

Source: Today IT
