Post office new postal savings bonds available: what are they and why are they so popular

Poste Italiane has announced the availability of new postal savings bonds, Italian financial investment products that together with postal savings books form so-called savings. In short, they are the safe of the Italians.

Postal savings bonds: what are they

Postal savings bonds are issued by Cassa Depositi e Prestiti, always guarantee the return of the invested capital, and the holder can demand the repayment of the capital plus accrued interest at any time. Even small amounts can be invested and there are no issuance, management and repayment costs other than tax costs.

In particular, coupons can be subscribed for amounts of 50 Euros and its multiples; The maximum amount can be subscribed to equal 1 by a single person on the same business day, at one or more post offices and/or via electronic subscription. million euros.

Withholding tax is 12.50%. While bills are subject to stamp duty, they are exempt from inheritance tax. However, coupons whose total redemption value does not exceed 5 thousand euros are exempt.

Advantages of “dematerialized” coupons

Postal savings bonds may be represented by a paper document or accounting records called “dematerialized coupons.” With the latter you avoid the risk of prescription, you can also request early repayment even for part of the amount (minimum 50 euros and its multiples), since upon expiration of the deed the amount is automatically paid to the postal current account or postal passbook. customer. Paper coupons can be subscribed and returned at all post offices. Dematerialized vouchers can be subscribed and returned at all post offices as well as through the Poste Italiane website and the BancoPosta App.

Postal savings bonds: types available

Poste Italiane notes that many types of postal savings bonds are available:

  • Good Solution Legacy: Can only be subscribed by natural persons who are the beneficiaries of a concluded inheritance case that also involves financial relations with Poste Italiane. Their maturity is 4 years and they only recognize interest at the end of the maturity.
  • Sustainable Savings Coupon: May be registered exclusively in favor of no more than four natural persons, including minors (the latter exclusively as sole owners). The postal savings bond has a maturity of 7 years and recognizes a fixed return paid at the time of redemption plus a possible bonus depending on the performance of the STOXX Europe 600 ESG only at the end of the 7 years. Stock index -X during the period the coupon is held. Refunds are not accepted for Sustainable Savings Bonds that are repaid within one year of subscription. If repayment is made before the end of 7 years, the subscriber will not receive any Premium. The coupon can only be subscribed in dematerialized form with predetermined values ​​(50€ and its multiples).
  • Ordinary Good: It has a maximum duration of twenty years and provides a steady and increasing return over time, paid at repayment. It is available in both paper and intangible versions.
  • Special coupon for minors: It has a maximum duration that varies depending on the age of the owner at the time of subscription, determined by the time interval between the subscription date and the minor’s 18th birthday. Special paper coupons for minors can be subscribed and returned at all post offices. Vouchers allocated to minors in dematerialized form may be subscribed in accordance with the methods specified in the Summary Table of vouchers allocated to minors in force from time to time:

a) Within the scope of the Small and Good Savings Plan;

b) at the post office, exclusively by the parents, or even separately, in the current account of the Smart Booklet, Ordinary Booklet or BancoPosta registered in their name and in the Libretto Minori of the minor owner of the BFP Minori;

c) Smart Booklet owners who have the right to act online, via the web and through the app, only by parents, or even separately, on the Booklet reserved for minors of their children, who exercise parental responsibility, are activated for online distribution functions.

  • Good 3×4: Provides a fixed return that increases over time with interest accrued in each three-year period, accrued at the end of the third, sixth, ninth and twelfth year from the date of subscription, paid at the time of redemption of the coupon and in any case not before the completion of the first three-year period. They have a maximum term of twelve years and are available in both paper and intangible versions.
  • 3×2 couponProvides a fixed return that increases over time with interest accrued during each three-year period, accrued at the end of the third and sixth years from the date of subscription, at the time of redemption of the coupon and in any case not before the completion of the first three-year period. They have a maximum duration of six years and are available in both paper and dematerialized versions.
  • Good for 4 years Plus: providing a predetermined fixed return, having a duration of 4 years and recognized only at maturity; Available in both paper and intangible versions.
  • 4 year simple savings coupon: Only natural persons of legal age can subscribe to the Risparmio Semplice Savings Plan. 4-year savings certificates have a four-year term and provide a standard return on maturity for bonds that mature before reaching the minimum 24-period subscription number under the savings plan. Minimum number of 24 periodic subscriptions under the Savings Plan. They are only available in the dematerialized version.
  • Coupon Renewal: Renewal Voucher subscription is permitted to anyone who has made a refund as a holder or co-owner of one or more mail, paper and/or dematerialized, expired interest-bearing vouchers as of August 1, 2023 (except for: minor-only vouchers and Good 4 years of savings is simple). It provides a fixed return that increases over time with interest accrued over each three-year period, accrued at the end of the third and sixth years from the date of subscription, and is not paid at the time of repayment of the coupon and, in any case, not before the payment date. Completion of the first three-year period. They have a maximum duration of six years and are available in both paper and dematerialized versions.

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Source: Today IT
