Nobel Prize in Economics 2023 to Claudia Goldin for her research on the women’s labor market

The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences has decided to award the researcher the 2023 Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel. Claudia Goldin from Harvard University, Cambridge, USA.

The above, “since we have advanced in our understanding women’s labor market results.

According to the academy, Goldin discovered key factors gender differences in the labor market, as it provided the first comprehensive account of women’s earnings and labor market participation over the centuries. Their research reveals the reasons for the changes, as well as the main sources of the persistent gender gap.

“Women are severely underrepresented in the global labor market and, when they work, earn less than men. Claudia Goldin studied archives and collected data on the United States for more than 200 years, which allowed her to demonstrate “How and Why Gender Differences in Earnings and Employment Changed Over Time”– he notes.

Goldin showed that women’s participation in the labor market did not tend to increase throughout this period. but forms a U-shaped curve. The proportion of married women declined with the transition from an agrarian to an industrial society in the early 19th century, but then began to increase with the growth of the service sector in the early 20th century. Goldin explained this pattern as a result of structural changes and the development of social norms regarding women’s responsibilities in the home and family.

Women’s educational attainment has steadily increased over the course of the 20th century and, in most high-income countries, is now significantly higher than that of men. The award winner demonstrated that Access to birth control pills played an important role in accelerating these revolutionary changes. offering new opportunities for career planning.

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Despite modernization, economic growth and an increase in the share of women in employment in the twentieth century, over a long period of time The wage gap between women and men has barely narrowed.

Part of the explanation, Goldin says, is that educational decisions affect career opportunities throughout life. They are taken at a relatively young age. If young women’s expectations are shaped by the experiences of previous generations (for example, their mothers who did not return to work until their children were grown), then development will be slow.

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Historically, most of the gender income gap This can be explained by differences in education and career choice. However, the Nobel laureate showed that most of this income difference now occurs among women in the same occupations and that it occurs mainly with the birth of the first child.

“Understanding the role of women at work is important for society. Thanks to Claudia Goldin’s pioneering research, we now know much more about the underlying factors and barriers that may need to be addressed in the future,” he says. Jacob Svensson, President of the Prize Committee for Economic Sciences.

Claudia Goldin was born in 1946 in New York City, New York. He received his doctorate in 1972 from the University of Chicago, Illinois, USA. She is a professor at Harvard University in Cambridge.

The prize amount is SEK 11 million.

With the award of the Nobel Prize in Economics This year’s round of prestigious awards is coming to an end.

Source: Aristegui Noticias
