They are asking for equal access to spectrum for the next 5G auction

The expectations lie with the companies that will participate, including Wom, which has submitted a statement to the Commission CRC Communications Regulation and to Ministry of MinTIC Technologies which is summarized in reducing the impact of telecommunications market dominance.

“Optimal competitive conditions will reduce pressure on other operators so that we can continue investing in closing connectivity gaps and improving innovation, service and prices for the benefit of all Colombians in all corners of the country,” said Ramiro Lafarga, CEO of Wom .

The CRC admits that There is a concentration of approximately 52% of users and 60% of mobile revenue in the hands of Claro, which has hampered the ability of competitors to make significant changes to the structure of the mobile services industry.

“The rollout of 5G and the expansion of the 4G network in Colombia, the terms of which we hope to know in two weeks, should be the opportunity to maximize equal access to the spectrum, which will translate into more efficient internet services, lower costs and faster data transfer and of better quality. We call on the authorities to take measures to counter Claro’s dominance and thus promote healthy competition for user satisfaction,” added Ramiro Lafarga.

Source: El heraldo
