The National Mining Agency shall provide to municipalities that request it the technical document containing the updated mining information to be taken into account and included in the municipal territorial planning plans.
Between 2017 and 2023, only 166 municipalities had requested such information, the ANM said. According to data from the Ministry of Housing, City and Territory, the planning tool of more than 88% of municipalities across Colombia is outdated.
The control agency indicated that the authorities and officials of the municipalities, with or without mining vocation, should request this information and that it should be taken into account in territorial planning, in order to establish the correct use of the land and avoid conflicts to prevent. social-ecological aspects in their territories and to implement the necessary agreements between the national government and the territories.
The research also shows that the Sectoral Studies Directorate of the Delegate Comptroller of Mines and Energy Recommends that the National Planning Department, within the documentation necessary to update the territorial planning of each municipality, with or without mining vocation, requires An action this confirms that the territorial entity has established the principles of coordination, concurrence and subsidiarity with the mining authority, in order to ensure that the information provided by it has been taken into account when formulating the update of the territorial planning.
Source: El heraldo

Roy Brown is a renowned economist and author at The Nation View. He has a deep understanding of the global economy and its intricacies. He writes about a wide range of economic topics, including monetary policy, fiscal policy, international trade, and labor markets.