Single allowance amounts will increase in 2024. As determined by the Decree Law No. The amount of support for parents in accordance with Law No. 230 of 29 December 2021 is actually related to the inflation trend and is therefore adjusted every year according to the cost of living. Let’s see what we can expect by doing some quick calculations. Today, the amounts paid alone range from approximately 54 euros to 189.20 euros per child per month. Last year’s budget law determined that an additional increase of 50% would apply for children under one year of age and families of 3 or more children up to the third year of each child (with an ISEE limit of 40 thousand euros). It increases the allowance to a maximum of 262.5 euros per month. Now, due to inflation, the amounts will be revised upwards again.
Single allowance: what are the new estimated amounts
What numbers are we talking about? If we assume a revaluation of 5.3% (calculated at the current inflation rate), the maximum amount of the “basic” allowance (let’s call it that) could rise from €189 to €199 per child; a few euros. In short, there will be a maximum increase of 10 euros. This is a hypothesis, but the amounts shouldn’t be much different from what we estimate.
New measures for families
That’s not all, because with the next budget support measures for large families will also be strengthened. At least, that is the government’s intention to date, if resources allow. There is talk of some kind of bonus that will be triggered for the third child, but probably for the second as well. According to rumors, two theses are put forward in the field: Either to act with cuts or to strengthen the single allowance by increasing the amounts for those with at least two children. The plan, at least in general terms, was drawn up by Family Minister Eugenia Roccella in recent weeks. We will need to understand how this will be expressed in practice.
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Source: Today IT

Roy Brown is a renowned economist and author at The Nation View. He has a deep understanding of the global economy and its intricacies. He writes about a wide range of economic topics, including monetary policy, fiscal policy, international trade, and labor markets.