The head of the Ministry of National Defense approved contracts for new equipment for the military. “We Broke the Concrete”

We have broken concrete when it comes to weapons orders for the Polish army, said Defense Minister Mariusz Błaszczak.

On Wednesday, the head of the Ministry of National Defense approved an agreement to purchase six command vehicles on the Wheeled Armored Personnel Carrier platform. The value of the order is approximately PLN 100 million gross. Vehicle deliveries will be completed in 2025.

Minister of National Defense Mariusz Błaszczak also approved the agreement regarding the purchase of Jelcz car chassis for the contracted two subsequent Naval Missile Units (MJR). The value of the order is 470 million PLN gross, and the deliveries of the vehicles will be carried out in the years 2024 – 2029. The MJR is intended to combat enemy ships, protect the main naval bases of the Navy, areas that suitable for naval landings and important military and industrial facilities on the coast.

Błaszczak: We broke the concrete

– We are aware of the safety risks. There is regularly a war going on behind our eastern border. A hybrid attack on Poland was launched two years ago and is still ongoing. The best response to these threats is a strong Polish army, Mariusz Błaszczak assured in his speech.

– Today we are rebuilding military units. For example, after 18 years we are rebuilding artillery, and after 20 years this year Polish aviation exercises took place on airport road sections. We have 186 thousand soldiers, including soldiers of the Territorial Armed Forces and voluntary compulsory military service. I am very happy that young people are willing to join the Polish army. I am convinced that the army will number 300,000 men. soldiers, but you should not forget that this is a process – said the Minister of Defense. The head of the Ministry of Defense emphasized that “things are going very well” in the Polish army.

– We have broken the concrete when it comes to recruitment into the military. We have broken concrete when it comes to weapons orders for the Polish army, he noted.

Source: Do Rzeczy
