It is a great regret for Poland that many elderly people today struggle with poverty, says Adrian Zandberg.
Representatives of the New Left Electoral Commission presented the ‘Safe Senior’ program at the convention in Rzeszów on Wednesday.
– When we talk about seniors in Poland, concepts such as poverty, poverty, lack of money to buy medicine, the fear of whether there will be fuel in winter or how to keep warm in winter are mentioned most often. It’s all true. It is a great regret for Poland that many elderly people, people who worked very hard for Poland, are struggling with poverty today, said Adrian Zandberg.
Left Convention. Indexation of pensions
The co-chair of the Razem party argued that economic security means being able to plan your life for a few months, a year or two. – You all know that when the price increase came, it hit pensioners particularly hard, those pensioners who had few resources. Their budgets were no longer tight, and just like ten to fifteen years ago, they were faced with the fear that at the end of the month there would be no money to buy medicine and no money to buy food. We know this can’t happen again, Zandberg said.
– We are introducing the principle of two pension indexations per year to protect people against such crisis situations. They can never again push hundreds of thousands of people into poverty, the politician said.
Indexation of pensions and pensions in 2024
In 2024, as in previous years, pensioners and disabled people can count on the indexation of the benefits received from ZUS. The indexation index corresponds to the average annual price index of consumer goods and services in the previous calendar year, increased by at least 20%. real increase in average salary.
The government plans to increase pensions and annuities by at least 12.3% next year. The amount will be in accordance with the estimates of the Council of Ministers.
Source: Do Rzeczy

Roy Brown is a renowned economist and author at The Nation View. He has a deep understanding of the global economy and its intricacies. He writes about a wide range of economic topics, including monetary policy, fiscal policy, international trade, and labor markets.