“Let us have no illusions.” Morawiecki attacks PO

Let us have no illusions. The Civic Platform wants to increase the retirement age, government leader Mateusz Morawiecki announced on Wednesday.

During his visit to Karmina (Dobrzyca municipality, Greater Poland Voivodeship), the Prime Minister encouraged people to participate in the parliamentary elections and referendum this Sunday.

– I have spoken about several local problems and it is worth emphasizing that an unprecedented amount of money has been allocated to an urban-rural municipality like Dobrzyca. As much money as has ever been received before. Here money was invested in gymnasiums, water, sewerage and road investments. Wise heads in Warsaw often say that Poles lack such a sense of social citizenship and involvement in local affairs, said Mateusz Morawiecki. – So you know what? Get out of your desk in Warsaw. Come here, to communes like Dobrzyca, and you will see what real civic activity is, the head of government said.

Morawiecki: PO wants to increase the retirement age

– Our predecessors of the Civic Platform have increased the retirement age. Let us have no illusions. PO wants to increase the retirement age, Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki said during the press conference on Wednesday.

Let’s not forget that in May 2012, Donald Tusk’s government raised the retirement age from 60 for women and 65 for men, to 67 for everyone. 268 parliamentarians voted in favor of the law. According to that law, the retirement age would reach the legal age of 67 in 2020 for men and in 2040 for women. The government’s decision caused a wave of protests at the time and was one of the main accusations against Tusk by his political rivals. The leader of the Civic Platform himself admitted years later that raising the retirement age was a mistake. On October 1, 2017, the United Right government restored the previous retirement age: 60 for women and 65 for men.

Source: Do Rzeczy
