The competitive position of 20 cities in the country is improving

This year’s ICC report shows that “it is particularly important in the current political and economic situation because its results in some way illustrate the management of outgoing regional governments and provide a basis for new local administrations; This is a useful diagnostic tool to determine the objectives of their development plans.

One of the most important results of the measurement is the perceived improvement in competitive performance in many of the cities.

In general terms, the Universidad del Rosario, the Private Competitiveness Council and the Konrad Adenauer Foundation in Colombia have indicated that For eight of the thirteen pillars, the difference in score between the best and the worst of the measurement is smallerand not only this, but that 20 of the 32 areas evaluated showed a higher score general, with regard to last year’s recalculation; while only eight cities recorded a deterioration.

The Rector of the University of Rosario, Alexander Cheyneinvited Colombia not to lose sight of what it considers one of its most important innovation achievements. “To the extent that the development of competitiveness is not homogeneous, there are gaps that need to be bridged.”

Ana Fernanda Maiguashcachairman of the Private Competitiveness Council, emphasized that the information provided is a tool to guide those in power in the coming years.

Maiguashca, in his speech in Santa Marta, identified the complexity of the regions to achieve competitive results, starting with their location within the national territory. “It is complex to build public goods in a difficult geography. Because we are spread out, we demand more of what is needed. We have ICC scores that are discouraging, but there are opportunities to improve. And based on this information we can guide the rulers,” Maiguashca said in Santa Marta, where the report was presented.

Barranquilla finished in seventh place in the overall ranking of the ICC that analyzed 32 capitals. Bogotá (7.96) was the capital and the best-rated city in the overall index. Medellín (7.16) and Tunja (6.47) occupy the first three places.

The capital of the Atlantic ranked second in the category of cities with the best environmental indices.

Source: El heraldo
