Mexico awaits $110 billion investment: Buenrostro

Minister of Economy, Raquel Buenrostro, On Wednesday, he assured that the Mexican economy had risen from 15th to 14th place in the world.

He noted that the country still has pending investments of 110 billion dollars, because foreign investment announcements are $80 billion and national investment announcements are $30 billion.

He noted that in the first half of this year Foreign investment amounted to $29 billion.

During her speech to legislators of the Joint Commission on Economics, Trade and Competitiveness, Social Economy and Cooperative Development, the federal official emphasized that Gross domestic product grew 3.6 percent in the second half of the year. and five million people moved out of poverty compared to 2018.

He noted that the growth gap between the northern and southern regions had been reduced through investment projects and support for social programs.

Photo: Chamber of Deputies

He added that investments in the southeast region of the Dos Bocas refinery, the Mayan train and the Interoceanic Corridor, allowed an increase of 4.8 percent, while in the north an increase of 3.7 was recorded, that is, “historic debts have been repaid.”

Buenrostro noted that Climate change will benefit the Isthmus corridor because the level of the Panama Canal will fall.

“And this will become more and more relevant, because, I say, this does not mean being happy, but One of the facts of climate change is that the water level in the Panama Canal is decreasing. This will mean that the size of the ships crossing will decrease, it will reduce capacity, and then the Interoceanic Corridor will become increasingly important because people will not be able to cross it in the same volumes or in the same numbers along the Panama Corridor. Channel, now they are going to do it through the Corridor,” he noted.

In this sense, he announced that in the coming days tenders for the development of 10 poles taken into account in the project.

He said that the development of the railway infrastructure of the Interoceanic Train It should be completed by December this year. and the expansion of the ports of Coatzacoalcos and Salina Cruz, meaning more than 90 percent of the work will be completed. He confirmed that all protocols have been followed and workers have been trained in these projects in the southeast.

The official emphasized that as of September 30 inflation was 4.45 percent.which places the country below countries such as Germany, Italy and the UK.

He also emphasized that The peso remains stable as it is the currency that has gained the most. against the dollarwhich made it possible to purchase machines and tools, as well as expand fixed assets for the development of the industry.

He added that gross fixed capital formation increased by 15 percent compared to the previous year. which allowed the development of the construction and machinery and equipment sectors.

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Buenrostro Sánchez stressed that to promote the country’s growth It is planned to use “nearshoring” (company relocation). promote the development of small and medium-sized enterprises, which require more trained people, higher salaries and balanced development of the country.

He specified that The Development Bank has 600 billion for MSME loans, however, the issue of requirements remains difficult. Efforts are also joining forces with commercial banking to provide easier and more democratic access to credit.

Photo: Chamber of Deputies

In his speech, the PAN deputy Enrique Godinez del Rio thought there was nothing to brag about: because Mexico is a country that is becoming less competitive every year. He noted that from 2018 to the present, it has dropped ten positions, rising from 46 to 56.

He added that Government strategy lacks vision and commitment to citizenswith small and medium-sized companies that create more than 90 percent of jobs and account for 99 percent of enterprise productivity.

For his part, PRI deputy Oscar Gustavo Cardenas Monroy asked Buenrostro the issue of infrastructure and clean energy is being resolved, to ensure that electricity is available to everyone who requests it and that investment in this matter is encouraged.

Emecista Manuel Jesus Herrera Vega said that we are at a decisive moment for the future of the country and that Mexico has a responsibility to take advantage of the “coming closer” and facilitating the supply chains of micro, small and medium-sized companies.

To achieve this, he said, government policies and legislation are needed to enable these companies to join global value chains, promote talent attraction activities, innovate and take advantage of renewable energy sources. “Mexico should be one of the top ten economies in the world.”But the Ministry of Economy cannot talk about a first world vision with a third world budget,” he assured.

Photo: Chamber of Deputies

Buenrostro received support from lawmakers from Morena, the Labor Party and the Green Environmentalist Party of Mexico.

Morenoista MP Otoniel García Montiel assured that the country has healthy public finances, a good economic recovery and a significant reduction in social inequality gaps; In addition, actions have been taken to encourage foreign direct investment, which indicates confidence in the country.

PT Jose Alejandro Aguilar Lopez noted that under the current administration, important infrastructure projects have been created that, when built, create jobs such as Interoceanic train, whose purpose is to promote mobility between the ports of Coatzacoalcos, Veracruz and Salina Cruz, Oaxaca, in order to add value to foreign and domestic trade; With this in mind, he asked how many companies had expressed interest in having facilities in this project and what the employee training policy was.

(According to the Chamber of Deputies and Aristegui News)

Source: Aristegui Noticias
