Salaries and pensions: here’s the government’s verdict

Tight work tempo for the government, which is struggling only with the 2024 budget law. On Monday morning, October 16, a Council of Ministers will meet to discuss the budget as well as the budget planning document (DPC), which will be sent immediately to Brussels. . The tax decree linked to the budget is also on the ministers’ agenda.

In the coming weeks, we will move to the budget law, which will have limited resources, as we have repeatedly stated, although the deficit will expand to 15.7 billion euros. The Fitch rating agency speaks of “a significant relaxation of fiscal policy compared to previous targets”, but Economy Minister Giancarlo Giorgetti replies: “The institutions are doing their job. I have to deal with the parliament and the families, especially those with low incomes, are suffering and I cannot ignore that.” .”

Budget Law 2024: Low incomes, emphasis on family and healthcare

The Minister of Economy has prepared a report on the formulation of the Budget law, which will be approved by the next Council of Ministers on Monday, October 16. Regarding the meeting, Palazzo Chigi stated that there was an atmosphere of great cooperation and determination in the majority. “Within the framework of the sustainability of public finances, it is a serious maneuver that will focus on the issues of middle-low income and retirement, family and health, as a continuation of the work carried out by the government since the previous Budget Law.” Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, who is concerned about the conflicts in the Middle East, called on everyone to He urged parliament to be “cautious” in maneuvering even during the transition phase, asking all political forces to minimize changes.

While waiting for the budget session to start, the Parliament approved nearly 16 billion deviations and Nadef. To avoid a repeat of April’s Defender stumble, the House and Senate, with full power of lawmakers and senators, approved majority resolutions by 224 yes and 127 no, 111 yes and 69 no. In addition to approving the cut in the tax wedge for low-middle income earners, the maneuver will also focus on initiating the renewal of public contracts, especially in relation to the healthcare sector. A number of measures in favor of births and parenthood and some interventions towards lower pensions are also envisaged. Other, more detailed interventions are also being considered, but checks on their scope are ongoing. However, the tax or construction amnesty hypotheses are rejected.

In addition, the $3.2 billion publicly announced by Nadef this year is expected to be allocated to Istat’s preliminary regulation of 2024 pensions, measures for public administration personnel and the management of migration flows.

Tax decree: tax wedge, Irpef rates and many new features

The measure is also expected to initiate tax reform, which will include reducing Irpef rates from four to three. This intervention, combined with the cut in the tax wedge, will add up to 100 euros per month to the wages of middle-low-income workers.

New rules will also likely be included in the tax decree to introduce the global minimum tax from January 1, 2024, a long-awaited tax for web giants that could guarantee an estimated revenue of around 2-3 billion euros. A League bill to abolish November’s large tax advance and VAT figures for self-employed workers could also find a place in the tax panel. In recent weeks, Deputy Economy Minister Maurizio Leo has talked about measures that will promote a new relationship between tax authorities and taxpayers, such as the biennial preventive agreement, as well as the review of the schedule of obligations for both declarations and payment terms. and collaborative alignment.

There is no reform in pensions

However, the long-awaited pension reform will be postponed until next year due to lack of resources. The government appears intent on expanding Quota 103, which allows people aged 62 and 41 years of contributions to leave work early, and Social Monkey for disadvantaged workers, with a possible expansion of the audience.

But on the Donna Option, the executive appears to want to stick to the 60-year age threshold without considering unions’ demands to reinstate the current requirements in 2022: 58 years for employed women, 59 years for self-employed women. 35 years of contribution.

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Source: Today IT
