Baby food bonus 2023: what is it, who is entitled to it and how to apply

The artificial milk bonus, which is an economic contribution paid to mothers who cannot breastfeed due to health problems, has also been confirmed for 2023. The amount of the bonus reaches up to 400 euros per year for the first six months of a newborn baby’s life. How does it work, what conditions are required to obtain it, how to apply?

Baby food jackpot 2023: who qualifies

This year, mothers who cannot breastfeed their children due to health reasons will be able to claim the artificial milk bonus, which is a financial contribution of up to 400 euros valid for the first six months of the newborn’s life. An important aid for all families who find themselves incurring significant expenses to purchase milk alternatives to breast milk. Women affected by these pathologies (permanent or temporary) have access to the following contributions:


  • HTLV1 and 2 infection;
  • Sheehan syndrome;
  • hereditary alactogenesis;
  • bilateral hypotrophy of the mammary gland (tubular breast);
  • bilateral mastectomy;
  • maternal death.

temporary (to be checked monthly)

  • HCV infection with bleeding nipple lesion;
  • HSV infection with herpetic lesion on the breast or nipple;
  • recurrent group B streptococcal infection;
  • luetic lesion of the breast;
  • untreated bacillary tuberculosis;
  • tuberculous mastitis;
  • varicella zooster virus infection;
  • performing scintigraphy;
  • taking medications that are strictly contraindicated for breastfeeding;
  • drug use (except methadone);
  • alcoholism.

Pathologies must be confirmed by National Health Service specialists by signing a medical certificate. Contributions are paid by the regions.

Baby food bonus 2023: requirements and amount

Application for the baby food bonus can be made by mothers residing or residing in Italy, including foreigners and stateless mothers, provided that they reside or have a fixed residence in our country. Contributions can also be claimed by families where the mother died after birth. There is an income limit for the payment of the bonus: ISEE must not exceed 30 thousand euros. The co-payment cannot be combined with other discounts on the purchase of milk for other pathologies.

The maximum reimbursement that can be received is 400 euros per newborn per year, starting from the sixth month at the latest. Since no additional resources are foreseen to the allocated financing, the actual amount of the bonus will be determined by the local health authority in line with the requests submitted.

Baby food bonus 2023: how to apply

To claim the 2023 baby food bonus, you must contact the PUA (Single Point of Access) of your local healthcare institution where you reside, who will forward the required documentation to be submitted. As we said above, in order to receive the financial contribution for the purchase of milk alternative to breast milk, a medical report documenting the pathology (permanent or permanent) must be submitted from an employee or specialist of the National Health Service. temporary): neonatologist, pediatrician of the birth point, general practitioner (GP), pediatrician of free choice (PLS). Health conditions that temporarily prevent natural breastfeeding should be re-evaluated monthly.

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Source: Today IT
