Consumer Association: Insurers still a long way from signing health contracts

The consumer association has asked the Dutch Health Authority (NZa) to intervene in the premiums and conditions of new health insurance policies. Health insurers are required to announce their premiums and terms annually on November 12, but major insurers have yet to sign contracts with many healthcare providers, the consumer association found.

This puts consumers at risk of discovering that they can’t visit their regular hospital or other healthcare provider until they get their new health insurance. “Insurers are essentially demanding that consumers sign up blindly, because how can you choose an appropriate health insurance policy if the necessary information is missing?” said Sandra Molenaar, director of the consumer association. says.

Insurance company DSW is still negotiating with 41 percent of hospitals, according to the consumer advice centre. Zilveren Kruis was still talking about half of it; Range was 86 percent and even VGZ was 89 percent. For CZ, this rate would be 71 percent, but according to the consumer association, this insurance company has guaranteed reimbursement from hospitals with which the insurance company is currently negotiating.

The consumer association has been complaining about health contracts and policies for some time but is now asking the NZa to intervene for the first time. “And if this does not lead to a resolution, we will not hesitate to pursue other legal action.”

Source: NOS
