SIC asks to protect the security of the Linkedin platform

The SIC’s Data Protection Delegation specified that since the mass extraction of personal data is normally carried out through automated means, the Internet scrape It poses a permanent risk to the proper handling of personal information on a platform like LinkedIn, which had 12 million active users in Colombia as of January 2023.

Resolution 71406 of 2023 of the SIC issued orders requiring Linkedin to ensure the security of users’ personal data by preventing unauthorized access, fraudulent unauthorized use, unauthorized consultation and unauthorized or fraudulent falsification or loss.

LinkedIn must comply with the order of this authority within a period of 4 months, for which it must provide a certification issued by an independent domestic or foreign entity that is impartial, professional and specialized in information security issues.

The decision of the SIC shall have the rights and remedies for reconsideration and appeal.

Source: El heraldo
