Why are Polish airlines protesting? Mekler translates

Polish airlines are not demanding anything special, only a return to normal relations, that is, to the licensing system – reminds Rafał Mekler

Due to unfair competition from the Ukrainian side, Polish airlines continue to block border crossings with Ukraine. These are Korczowa, Dorohusk, Medyka and Hrebenne. Brussels completely waived the obligation for Ukrainians to obtain trade permits, which endangered the Ukrainian transport sector. in a privileged position regarding Polish competition.

Carriers: We don’t ask anything special

Polish airlines especially want restoration of normal economic relationsThat is recovery of access permits for Ukrainian companies to transport goods, with the exception of humanitarian aid and supplies for the Ukrainian army. Farmers who have joined transporters protesting at the border over the grain scandal announce the blockade will last 24 hours a day until January 3.

Bogdan Rymanowski spoke on Polsat News with one of the organizers of the protest, an entrepreneur in the transport sector and an activist of the Confederation, Rafał Mekler. The journalist asked what the Polish government could do about this.

– Everything depends on good will, because if the European Union had no good will, we would have two countries whose good neighborly relations are beyond any doubt. We have often spoken with Ukrainians. They agree that without Poland, Ukraine might not be in the shape it is today. So if we have two countries that can reach an agreement on Brussels – and I think they will – then Brussels has no say. Even previous agreements were bilateral in nature, Mekler recalled.

It is the European Union’s growing appetite for further powers that has deprived us of the right to decide on permits at this border – he added, explaining that Kiev and Warsaw could fairly settle the issue themselves.

– We We don’t ask for anything special. Before the war, Ukrainians transported 160,000. At this point they’ve done about a million shipments, so there’s something to share. The argument of the Ukrainian side is as follows: their ports are closed, they say the Russian market is closed to transport, the Belarusian market is closed to transport, therefore Poland is their only window to the world, Mekler said.

Mekler: We want to restore the permit system

– Let’s say: Thanks to the intercession of Ukraine, we cannot go to Russia, we cannot go to Belarus, and in order to fulfill our contracts in Kazakhstan, we go through Turkey. We are in a similar situation, the only difference is that it was the Ukrainians who carried out a million transports, and not us. AND we only demand a return to normal relations, a return to the licensing system – said the entrepreneur.

– After all, the licensing system is nothing more than a method of equal distribution of shares in the transport market if we are talking about two countries with different economic systems, different economic development systems and different levels of labor costs – said Mekler, recalling that due to different bureaucratic and tax burdens, the source of which is also the European Union, the Polish side has much higher labor costs than Ukrainian carriers.

Source: Do Rzeczy
