Ismea-Qualivita report documents boom in Italian DOP economy

In a packed room at the Hotel Quirinale in Rome, the XXI Ismea-qualivita report, the annual survey analyzing the economic and production values ​​of the quality of Italian agro-food and wine production DOP IGP stg, was presented in Rome. Defying the energy crisis and the climate crisis, Bel Paese’s dop economy continues to grow and achieve record figures. The sector exceeded the 20 billion euro value threshold in 2022, recording an increase of 6.4 percent compared to last year.

Zaganelli: “Brands enrich regions”

“The original value of 20 billion is distributed across the national territory and is growing in 18 of 20 regions for the second year in a row. 100 percent of the provinces participate in the DOP economy,” said Ismea General Manager Maria Chiara Zaganelli. The circuit represents a widespread collective heritage, an expression of the value of supply chains that do not require displacement. By cross-referencing Ig data with another observatory we look at as Ismea, 32 percent of the 25 thousand Italian agritourism companies are included in the GI circuit, a community trademark It shows that its presence is an element of economic evaluation of the region even in the most fragile inland mountainous and hilly regions at risk of population decline.

Livio Proietti, Ismea’s extraordinary commissioner, explains: “The critical issues remain the usual ones, such as the protection of brands and names and the fight against the Italian voice. The Ministry is progressing well in this regard and EU law in the EU is also progressing well in this regard.” Protection of Geographical Indications is essential for Italy. We have a small surface area, but we have the highest concentration of conservation in agri-food and agro-industrial areas. Therefore, this is a strategic sector that drives the national economy.”

PDO and PGI products today represent 20 percent of the total turnover of the Italian agri-food industry. The annual revenue of the food sector is close to 9 billion (+ 9 percent by 2022), while wine exceeds 11 billion (+ 5 percent). There are 296 conservation consortia authorized by the Ministry of Agriculture and 195 companies in the food and wine supply chains, with 580 thousand workers in the agricultural phase and 310 thousand workers in the transformation phase.

There are 890 thousand jobs in the sector

“In this 21st edition of the report – continues Maria Chiara Zaganelli – we estimated the impact of geographical indication supply chains on employment. Between the agricultural phase and the transformation phase there are 890 thousand employment contracts generally revolving around this sector. This is possible by cross-referencing different databases even outside the Institute “This is a first elaboration of what is happening, which allows us to understand how the PDO economy develops not only an economic value, but also a social value thanks to the strong connection with the region”.

Lollobrigida: “We are a country of quality, not quantity”

“We are a nation of quality, not quantity, and geographical indications are an essential value in our producers, and we want to defend them by creating synergies and strengthening the real country system around the world,” said the Minister of Agriculture and Food Sovereignty. Speaking at the end of the event, Francesco Lollobrigida.

Francesco Lollobrigida, Minister of Agriculture and Food Sovereignty

“The Minister explained in more detail: The Italian system is a winning system when compared and acted together. The appreciation of the agri-food sector and the recent improvement in European regulations are proof of this for our businesses and our collective interests. Our commitment also includes the proliferation of quality publicly owned brands and the consumer’s “To implement a strategic vision that will prevent the creation of confusing false labels.”

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Source: Today IT
