Higher premiums for entrepreneurs from the new year

The draft budget for 2024 includes a provision providing for a significant increase in the amount of social security contributions. Entrepreneurs will pay more than 200 PLN more.

According to “Fakt”, the draft budget for next year includes a sharp increase in the amount of contributions that entrepreneurs pay monthly to the Social Insurance Institution. It is accompanied by a significant expected increase in the average salary in Poland.

Increase in contributions

Forecasts from the Ministry of Finance under the government of Mateusz Morawiecki indicate that the average salary next year will be 7,000 PLN. PLN 824 The new head of the ministry decided not to revise them. As experts indicate, the Ministry of Finance will most likely not decide to make a new forecast that would affect the amount of contributions paid.

As calculated by “Fakt”, the amount will increase from the current PLN 1,732.58 to PLN 1,976.68, of which the pension contribution will amount to PLN 912.83, disability pension – PLN 374.11, health insurance contribution – PLN 114.57, accident contribution – 78.10 PLN, for the Labor Fund and the Solidarity Fund – 114.94 PLN, health care – 382.50 PLN.

Promises of the new government

During the election campaign, Donald Tusk promised Polish entrepreneurs significant improvements in running their businesses. He also talked about it during his exhibition.

The new government leader wants, among other things, to introduce a premium exemption for every small entrepreneur and self-employed person.

– Leave for entrepreneurs, i.e. waiving the payment of contributions when their small business or business activity is not active, because they are also entitled to rest – Tusk said then.

Others from the ‘100 particularities’, i.e. a series of election promises made by the Civic Platform towards entrepreneurs, include: a return to the flat-rate system for settling health insurance premiums, the obligation to pay sickness benefits from the first day of the employment contract of an employee’s absence by ZUS, and limiting the control of micro-entrepreneurs to 6 days per year.

Source: Do Rzeczy
