Claro is not the largest telecommunications investor in the country, according to competitors who explained in the letter to the Telecommunications Commission that between Network operators “invested 100 billion pesos (about $25,531 million today) in seven years, while Claro invested only 20 billion pesos (about $5,106 million) in the same period.”
Rodrigo de Gusmao, president of Claro Colombia, excludes in the letter that the declared dominance is not so true if you consider what the Telecommunications Regulatory Commission allowed for the 5G auction and awarded last year. “A new operator entered and acquired spectrum in the 5G band, joining the 17 operators currently operating in the market. It is clear that this fact alone will further accentuate the dynamics of competition, which is already fierce, as evidenced by the great benefits for users.”
Regarding the investigations requested by the competition regarding Claro Colombia, De Gusmao added that the ten competitors allege a series of allegations SIC investigations still ongoing“But they fail to mention in their letter that Claro has presented all information showing that the company complies with all current regulations, and they also fail to mention that they are currently facing investigations based on the same criteria in several cases.”
Source: El heraldo

Roy Brown is a renowned economist and author at The Nation View. He has a deep understanding of the global economy and its intricacies. He writes about a wide range of economic topics, including monetary policy, fiscal policy, international trade, and labor markets.