Salary increases for millions of employees based on results

There is news that concerns millions of public employees. A significant portion of the funds allocated by the Meloni government for the renewal of contracts of public employees will now be allocated to “productivity-related institutions”. In short, this means that the next salary increases for state employees will have to take more account of the results achieved by each employee and will not be entered into the so-called “table”, that is, the part of the salary allocated to everyone. This emerges from the so-called “main directive” signed by public administration minister Paolo Zangrillo, which will lead to the meeting of tables between Aran, the “institution representing the negotiating representation of public administrations” that negotiates on behalf of the government. and unions.

In detail, the prime directive dictates the government guidelines that Aran president Antonio Naddeo must follow and has recently received the “stamp” from the ministry of economy: this is a necessary step for the “certification” of existing resources. for the renewal of contracts and salary increases for public employees. What numbers are we talking about? The total amount of funds allocated for the entire public sector amounts to €9.95 billion, of which 5.5 is directed to the “State sector” (ministries, tax authorities and non-economic entities such as INPS and INAIL). And there’s also a further €4.45 billion earmarked for non-state sectors such as healthcare (varies by region) and local authorities, which will have to finance the increases with their own resources.

How to link salary increases to results

And let’s get to the main point. The directive signed by Minister Zangrillo focuses mainly on the evaluation of employees both in terms of payment of additional wages (i.e. bonuses) and economic progress (increases). The aim is to increase “individual merit” within public administration as much as possible. As can be understood from the directive, the aim is to prevent all employees from receiving the highest grades and therefore distribute bonuses like showers, as is the case in most managements today. As explained in the document, “it will be necessary to ensure that the diversification of valuation decisions corresponds to an effective diversification of the relevant economic practices”.

According to Minister Paolo Zangrillo, if it is not really possible to reward the “best” employees, there will be “serious risks, from an organizational point of view, that will negatively affect the motivation of employees.” The government claims that rewarding the best means not just rewarding them with an additional salary, but also giving them a privileged path even to economic advancement; Until now, these salary increases have generally rewarded seniority rather than merit. By law, the share of results-related salaries for managers and senior managers must reach 30%. Targets associated with meeting deadlines will also be included: 30 days for state and local governments and 60 days for health care.

There is a process to follow. After the “prime directive”, documents must be written and transmitted regarding each of the four sectors (plus defense and security) into which the public administration is divided: central functions, local functions, health and education. Negotiations usually start from the sector of ministries that represent central functions. However, Zangrillo announced that this time the process will be reversed: The first to leave will be the healthcare sector, which signed the 2019-2021 contract on Tuesday, January 23 (with increases of an average of 250 euros and delays of up to 11 thousand euros). Negotiations with nurses and doctors will continue between contracts. At the same time, negotiations for the local government sector and for security and defense should begin in February.

Source: Today IT
