Farewell Super Bonus 110%: towards the answer “No” to overtime

Those who hope for Superbonus to be reprinted, perhaps in a revised and corrected version, will have to resign. The measure will not be proposed again. At least, this is the line that emerged at the meeting between the Government and the majority in the Parliament on Tuesday, January 23. The path now appears clear and a radical change of direction seems unlikely.

The starting point is one: keeping accounts. Let’s start with the numbers: the cost of Superbonus is too high and it is no longer sustainable. It is a concept that has been expressed many times by the Ministry of Economy. And Prime Minister Meloni was always clear about “No” to the 110% Super Bonus. In an interview recently Fourth Republic he called it “the greatest fraud against the Italian state in history”.

So why are we back to talking about Superbonus? Because numerous proposals in this direction, including bipartisan proposals, had made their way to the House, but the path immediately looked uphill. Fratelli d’Italia had submitted an amendment to a two-month extension for apartments that have completed at least 70% of the work, similar to others submitted by the Pd and Misto group. The amendment was later withdrawn. In fact, hopes for a new Superbonus are, if not zero, at least slim.

Source: Today IT
