On the technical table of the acpm
Nidia Hernández explained that the position of Colfecar, like the rest of the members that make up the Inter-Union Chamber of Transport, United on the technical discussions held with the Ministry of Finance on the price of diesel, is the following supports: considerations:
“For us as part of United diesel must have a formula that we have called Colombia Price, under a regulated charging system, which means that we recognize the costs of national production and all Ecopetrol costs and expenses, and that we consider a margin that allows the company to continue investing and growing. “The above, taking into account that Colombia is an oil-producing country with two refineries, is why we emphasize that the country should promote hydrocarbon exploration as an energy security strategy.”
“Our sector considers it unfeasible to assume an accelerated increase in diesel prices, just as happened with petrol, because we have had serious problems. In 2023 we will close with 742 blockages on the roads, countless road closures plus a serious wave of uncertainty that has “hit the sector’s productivity and forced us to bear more costs. All of the above, amid an economic slowdown as due to the decline of industry, construction and trade,” he said.
Anderson Quiceno, president of the Freight Carriers Associationadded to this media outlet that they insist that the national government develop a formula for gasoline and diesel at the technical tables. “It is an internal formula for the cost of public transport and that can give it competitiveness. It does not depend on what the country exports or not.”
Source: El heraldo

Roy Brown is a renowned economist and author at The Nation View. He has a deep understanding of the global economy and its intricacies. He writes about a wide range of economic topics, including monetary policy, fiscal policy, international trade, and labor markets.