Alphabet, Amazon, Microsoft… are being investigated by the US for AI and competition

The United States, through the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), has announced that it will investigate five major technology companies for their investment strategies and alliances in the development of artificial intelligence (AI).

The companies under investigation will Alphabet, Amazon, Microsoft, OpenAI and Anthropicbecoming within a few years the most important companies in the United States.

The first argument the FTC makes is that it needs “better internal understanding of these relationships and their impact on competition” to determine whether the policies of “these dominant companies “They jeopardize innovation and undermine free competition.”.

The investigation will focus on three alliances

The investigation will focus on three alliances currently underway: Microsoft’s alliance with OpenAI; Amazon with Anthropic and Google with Anthropic, which required “billions of dollars of investment.”

Companies have 45 days to respond to the FTC

Companies now have 45 days to respond to the FTC’s order to provide data and information about products, investments and internal governance.

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As well as markets, growth plans and geographic expansion, among other things.

The Federal Trade Commission is limited to its own purview – free competition – but the movement increases pressure on tech companies over aspects of content – copyright, misinformation, etc. – that are increasing calls around the world for greater oversight of operations. artificial intelligence.

At the beginning of January, Political reported that the US Department of Justice and the Federal Trade Commission are arguing over which agency can investigate the activities of the manufacturer ChatGPT OpenAI for antitrust reasonsincluding the AI ​​company’s partnership with Microsoft.

The Microsoft-OpenAI alliance has attracted antitrust scrutiny after the US software giant pledged to invest more than $10 billion in OpenAI last year. (EFE and Reuters)

Source: Aristegui Noticias
