Parliamentary assistant competition: 100 places, diploma is sufficient. Salary from 35 thousand euros to 138 thousand euros

Montecitorio is hiring. The Parliament of Deputies published a circular for 100 deputy parliamentary positions. The public competition is open to Italian citizens who meet certain requirements (not too strict) and requires passing four exams (one optional, two written and one oral). It’s one of the most anticipated competitions of the year, so it’s easy to predict an explosion in applications. Again, for this reason, as we read on the Chamber’s website, it is recommended that “the application for participation should be completed and sent long before the deadline, and it will no longer be possible to change or send the application after this date.” But let’s go in order: Below are all the details of the competition.

First of all, what does a deputy parliamentarian do? Parliamentary assistants perform supervisory, technical and manual duties: among various tasks, they guarantee and supervise the opening of buildings, monitor the doorman and greet visitors, and take on a supervisory and security role. They can also assist the presidency, senators and officials in parliamentary and commission meetings.

Parliamentary assistant 2024 competition and announcement

Let’s get to the requirements. As stated in the announcement, in order to participate in the competition, you must have Italian citizenship and be under 40 years of age. You must have a secondary school diploma (i.e. high school). In addition to physical fitness, the person must have political rights and not have a final conviction (or penalty upon request) for crimes that would require removal from the staff of the House of Representatives. Crimes leading to dismissal include crimes against the personality of the State (e.g. espionage and assault), embezzlement, embezzlement, corruption, extortion, but also crimes against public faith, crimes against public morals and good customs, as well as robbery, extortion. , convictions for arrogant credit, theft, fraud and embezzlement, or more generally, resulting in permanent disqualification from public office.

Application for the parliamentary assistant competition

The application for participation in the parliamentary assistant competition must be sent by February 26, 2024 at 18.00, via the form available only at and also accessible on the corporate website of the House of Representatives ( To access the application, candidates must have Spid.

4 quiz tests of the competition

Exams consist of one optional test, two written tests and one oral test. The optional test includes 60 multiple-choice questions on topics such as workplace safety, first aid, fire protection, verbal comprehension and reasoning, and English language. We start with 60 base points, subtracting one point for each incorrect or multiple answer and 0.8 point for each omitted answer. Candidates who rank 500th according to their scores are taken to the written exam.

There are two written exams. The first consists of a survey with four open-ended questions on constitutional law, parliamentary law and the history of Italy from 1861 to the present. The latter always includes a survey with four open-ended questions about safety in the workplace, fire prevention, first aid and national and international ceremonial elements. Candidates who score an average of 21/30, with at least 18/30 in each exam, are accepted to the oral exam.

However, the oral examination consists of an interview aimed at completing the candidate’s preparatory and cultural update assessment on some of the topics covered in previous examinations: constitutional law, history of Italy from 1861 to the present, national ceremonial and international elements. The candidate’s IT and web skills as well as their English language will then be assessed (by reading and translating a short written text). Candidates who score at least 21/30 are eligible. In addition, candidates can take an optional oral exam on foreign language knowledge in addition to the foreign languages ​​specified in the announcement (French, Spanish, German, Russian, Portuguese, Chinese, Arabic).

Winners of the parliamentary competition

The total score consists of the average of the written exam score and the average of the oral exam score. The score of the optional oral exam is also added to this. Thus, the resulting final score becomes the final competition score. As stated in the announcement, the number of available quotas is 100. Winners called into service undergo a one-year probationary period, renewable for another year, and are confirmed in the role if they pass the test.

How much do you earn

What about salary? According to the latest available table of gross annual salaries of deputy deputies in the Chamber of Deputies, the starting salary for workers in this category is equal to 35,232.79 euros gross per year. After the tenth year of operation, this amount increases to 51,558.29 euros gross per year; Annual gross after the 20th year is 91,375.14 Euros; Annual gross after the 30th year is 124,167.69 Euros; Annual gross after the 35th year is 129,873.42 Euros; Annual gross after the 40th year is 138,978.11 euros.

Source: Today IT
