The national government has started a dialogue with the dairy and rice sectors

They took part producers, industrial And representatives of the trade unionsamong others, to develop a roadmap for current and structural issues affecting these key sectors for the family basket of the Colombians.

About the situation of dairyThings like high stocks of milk powder are noticeable delay of consumption, the limitation in the collection of surpluses by industry, the high informality and the effects on the market, as a result of the Free trade agreements.

To face this challengesthe work proposal aims to promote a strategy of internationalization of the dairy sectoractivate routes for defining and seeking access to trade defence measures that ensure fair and balanced trade international markets.

In the same way, create mechanisms for public purchases with regional authorities for the inclusion of dairy products, strengthen the consumption campaign based on a nutritional approach that is essential in the diet of Colombians and define the implementation of a formalization route aimed at producers, intermediaries, processors and manufacturers. marketers.

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In this connection, the Minister of Agriculture Martha Carvajalinoemphasized that these ideas reflect that the entire chain has a common commitment, and what corresponds to this Government is to study those measures. “We are going to look at everything. “There are some regulatory measures whose amendment could help alleviate the current situation, but there are structural issues that deserve in-depth discussions.”

As for the issue of export, of the Ministry of Commerce will lead Export promotion tableaccess to international markets and trade defence measures, topics in which entrepreneurs in the dairy chain have a particular interest.

The Minister of Trade, Luis Carlos Reyesexplained that both portfolios have worked “to identify markets with high potential for dairy products Colombians, but also in solving problems of health admissibility. Special attention will be paid to ensuring compliance with the requirements set by the company’s commercial partners. Colombia”.

In the conclusions of the table a work trajectory for designing strategies to promote dairy consumption, with an emphasis on dairy consumption nutritional benefits and its importance in the daily diet of Colombians.

In turn, the Chief Inspector of Industry and Commerce, Cielo Rusinquestated that “from the Superintendency there is a wide institutional offer for the training of actors in the dairy chain, on issues related to the inspection, surveillance and control regimes responsible for the entity, as happens in the supervised release regime for the purchase of raw milk, which would seek to avoid the imposition of sanctions due to ignorance of the current regulations.”

The aim of these dialogues for an agreement on agrarian reforms is to raise voices to promote the government’s commitment to strengthen the agricultural sector and continue on the path of economic recovery and growth it has demonstrated over the past two years.

Source: El heraldo
