Autonomous organizations promote social progress: “Mexico, how are we doing?”

autonomous bodies They have value for all citizens, especially the least favored, since their design aims to improve the conditions of economic competition, certify higher prices and quality and guarantee rights, said the non-governmental organization “Mexico, how are we doing?”

He added that the autonomous organization is the Federal Commission for Economic Competition (Coffee), Federal Institute of Communications (IFT), Energy Regulatory Commission (KRE), National Institute for Transparency, Access to Information and Personal Data Protection (Inay), National Commission for the Improvement of Education (Mezhoredo) and the National Council for Social Development Policy (Koneval) – are necessary because they contribute to social progress.

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InfografiaMCV_OrganismosAutonomos_2024 by Aline Melanie on Scribd

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Source: Aristegui Noticias
