In these cases you will receive the benefit for an indefinite period. There will be a change in regulations

In some cases, the support benefit must be granted for an indefinite period of time, and not for seven years. People with disabilities draw the attention of the government to the need to change regulations in this area. The case has already been dealt with by the Sejm.

A group of people with disabilities asked Parliament to change the regulations regarding support benefits and the need to verify the level of needs every seven years. According to them, there are cases in which the benefit should be granted for an indefinite period.

Supporting facility. There is a request to change the regulations

We would like to remind you that according to current regulations, even the most seriously injured people with disabilities are obliged to report to the Provincial Disability Assessment Team (WZON) every seven years to verify the points that determine the level of support need. The amount of the support benefit depends on this level.

The applicants demand that the scheme be adjusted in such a way that people who have received 95-100 points in the WZON do not have to be verified again. Their health condition offers no hope of improvement.

For the example cited by INFOR, a permanently paralyzed person (sprain of the spinal cord) receives 100 points in the WZON. The decision to award points is valid for seven years, but should last for life.

Perpetual benefit in specific cases

The Sejm Committee on Petitions sees the sense in the proposed changes with regard to seriously injured disabled people. Thus, the following would be exempt from the reverification requirement:

  • paralyzed people – permanent disruption of the spinal cord,

  • people after amputations,

  • people with a permanent intellectual deficit.

The Commission has even asked the government about the possibility of adapting the regulations to the petition.

– The legislator provided for a period for making decisions on aid payments for a period of no longer than seven years. This provision is contrary to the Constitution of the Republic of Poland. Disability certificates issued for an indefinite period are protected by the Constitution of the Republic of Poland, while decisions on the amount of support are valid for no more than seven years, based on the same documents and determining health status. Therefore, the provisions of the above-mentioned acts are contrary to art. 2, 30, 64, 67, 69 of the Constitution of the Republic of Poland, as it raises serious doubts about trust in the state and the law, in particular acquired rights, contained in decisions on the degree of disability and group decisions on disability by ZUS jury members for a fixed period – so we read.

Source: Do Rzeczy
