A monthly contribution of 500 euros will be provided to women who are victims of violence. The government has released $30 million in funds for the so-called freedom income: “The decision is being registered for publication in the Official Gazette,” Minister of Family, Equal Opportunities and Maternity Eugenia Roccella said during questioning in the Senate. He added that the measure “was finally made structural by this government, there was a significant increase in resources, and then the opposition also contributed to this.”
Who is eligible for liberty income?
Established in 2022 by the Conte government, this contribution is provided by anti-violence centers recognized by regions and social services in the wake of childless women or women with young children, on their escape route from violence, to help support their autonomy. The bonus is given for a maximum of 12 months in a single solution and there is no ISEE obligation. Applications must be made to INPS through the municipality of residence.
Delay in payment of funds
The $30 million the fund will provide will be spread over three years. There was no shortage of discussions. “While this may seem like good news, we believe it is important to underline that these funds have been awaited by the women who requested them for almost a year,” explains Antonella Veltri, president of the DiRe (Women Online Against Violence) association. . “In many cases – says Veltri – this delay has jeopardized women’s paths to freedom, who have had to reconsider their life plans. What is not clear to the government is that women’s lives cannot wait.”
Source: Today IT
Roy Brown is a renowned economist and author at The Nation View. He has a deep understanding of the global economy and its intricacies. He writes about a wide range of economic topics, including monetary policy, fiscal policy, international trade, and labor markets.