We must throw away ETS without looking at Von der Leyen, return to coal and start functioning normally, calls Marek Jakubiak.
The Republican MP commented on current political events in an interview with Łukasz Jankowski on Radio Wnet. He spoke, among other things: about the policy and state of the coalition led by Donald Tusk and the need for some cooperation between the Republicans, the Confederation and PiS, who, in his opinion, will form the future government.
During the conversation, he expressed the opinion that the Green Deal will be stopped, and that Polish authorities are still following EU policies to implement climate ideology.
As a result of the submission to the European Union’s climate policy and with the consent of subsequent Polish governments, the process of liquidation of coal-fired energy in Poland is underway.
Jakubiak: Throw away ETS, return to coal
– The daughters and sons of wind and dust still power these windmills and solar photovoltaics […] With such a throw on the line it is still possible to get a few billion from Poland, but this no longer works in the world. The Green Deal no longer has this carrying wave. There is a backlog in the business community. […] And in Poland, these geniuses from the Ministry of Environment are still pushing Poland into this, Jakubiak said.
As he added, the aim is to increase Poland’s debt under the National Reconstruction Plan (KPO), that is, a loan that is referred to by the media and some politicians as money that Poland “gets” or “receives” ”.
– Why do we need more wind farms in Poland? After all, we have electricity. We must have coal-fired power stations. The entire Court of Justice must be thrown out and start functioning normally, the Republican lawmaker said, calling on those in power to think about what they are doing.
Jakubiak: Without looking at Von der Leyen
Jakubiak emphasized that since Poland has its own coal, we need investments in new coal blocks. – In my opinion, we should go back to coal and not look at what Ursula von der Leyen is doing in this matter – he said.
A similar opinion was expressed by the author of the book “Climate sabotage. How the energy transformation is ruining our lives”, Tomasz Cukiernik, who was a guest on Łukasz Warzecha’s YouTube channel. Publicist, among others “Do Rzeczy” admitted that Poland’s coal infrastructure is largely outdated, but this means that the coal units should be renovated and not liquidated. Unstable energy sources that do not suit Poland’s geographical location can also function on the market, but it is absurd to give up Polish coal.
The disastrous consequences of the Green Deal for Poland
Warzecha asked what effect the Green Deal will have on the Polish economy if it is implemented in the form in which it is currently planned.
The pastry chef warned that the consequences would be disastrous because Poland would run out of energy. The result will be the loss of energy sovereignty and energy security of Poland, and when energy shortages occur, the scenario of a collapsing economy may occur.
As he emphasized, at present, depending on coal and unstable sources – wind and solar energy, Poland is still secure and largely energy sovereign. If we stop using coal, we will lose energy sovereignty. Gas and uranium for nuclear power plants will have to be imported if they are built.
By giving up coal, Poland also loses energy security, meaning the country will not always be able to produce as much energy as it needs at any given time. – We will be able to replace some of these shortages with imports, but it may turn out that the neighbor from whom we are going to import may at some point not have the energy or not want to sell it to us – the publicist explained.
– Neither photovoltaic nor wind farms will ever replace energy from fossil fuels. Power plants powered by fossil fuels provide continuous energy and can be controlled, while in the case of photovoltaic and wind farms it is largely a lottery, he recalled.
Pastry Chef: The economy will be in danger
Of course this is not the end. – Before a shortage of energy occurs, its price will increase significantly, but then power outages will occur. – It is impossible to run a business without electricity. When the price of energy rises, the Polish economy will become even less competitive, and another consequence will be that it will be impossible to function without energy, he recalled.
– Whether this will lead to the complete demise of industry, services, etc., is difficult to imagine, because if this happens it will be an economic disaster. Let us not forget that electricity will first be disconnected from the economy, and only then from households. […] If there are power outages from time to time, the electricity of the economy will be cut off, it will become impossible to run a business and all investors will leave. You can imagine the ruin this will lead to the entire economy, the pastry chef warned.
– The Green Deal is a plan for central economic control – one big state interventionism in the EU version. […] We know very well from history that interference by politicians and officials in the economy has not ended well in any country, Cukiernik emphasizes.
Source: Do Rzeczy
Roy Brown is a renowned economist and author at The Nation View. He has a deep understanding of the global economy and its intricacies. He writes about a wide range of economic topics, including monetary policy, fiscal policy, international trade, and labor markets.