Rafał Trzaskowski proposes limiting social security for Ukrainians to 800 plus. PiS draws attention to PO’s hypocrisy when it comes to handing out money.
Shortly after the formal start of the election campaign for the President of Poland, the candidate of the Civic Coalition, Rafał Trzaskowski, announced that he wanted restrictions in the 800 plus program for Ukrainian citizens.
Trzaskowski wants restrictions of 800 plus for Ukrainians
– Today we still need to help Ukraine, but we cannot make the mistake that other Western countries, such as Germany and Sweden, made – it was worth coming there just for social benefits – said the mayor of Warsaw during a meeting with voters in Puńsk (Podlaskie Voivodeship). – The most important thing for us is that everyone who wants to come to us and count on support must strengthen our economy – he added.
– That is why I propose a fundamental change, namely when it comes to benefits, such as 800 plus for Ukrainians, they should be due if Ukrainians work, if they live in Poland and if they pay taxes in Poland. This is a change of common sense and that is why I call on the government to work on changing the law so that these types of demands can be taken into account – said the Vice-President of the Civic Platform.
The politician’s words were of course received with applause, but they contradict previous actions of his party in the area of distributing taxpayers’ money.
PiS: What hypocrisy, PO voted against
The head of the election staff of PiS-backed presidential candidate Karol Nawrocki, Paweł Głosernaker, commented on Trzaskowski’s words on the X website. The politician took personal action to reduce social benefits for Ukrainians.
“Law and Justice wanted to limit the receipt of the 800+ benefit for Ukrainian citizens long before the campaign started! In May, on behalf of the PiS club, I submitted an amendment that would make obtaining the 800+ benefit for Ukrainian citizens dependent on submitting an application for a residence card. What did R. Trzaskowski’s party do then? PO voted AGAINST Today, when the campaign has started, they change their minds again! – we read in his entry.
Let us not forget that both Civic Platform and Law and Justice supported the granting of more than 800 social benefits to Ukrainians. Only the Confederacy opposed it.
Source: Do Rzeczy

Roy Brown is a renowned economist and author at The Nation View. He has a deep understanding of the global economy and its intricacies. He writes about a wide range of economic topics, including monetary policy, fiscal policy, international trade, and labor markets.