Deputies in Mediobanca, the attack on Enrico Cuccia’s sanctuary between speculation and industrial logic

Who knows what Enrico Cuccia, founder and dominus of the Great Mediobranca Diria, a crossroads for decades of Italian financial power, the attack of the MEF triad, calhatagirone and Delfin (from the old family) his square cuccia. There, where, for years, actions “weighed and did not count” in the name of relational capitalism studied as a phenomenon in all universities in the world. Where, without appeal, the glory or death of industrial dynasties was decided, but where the dossiers of strong powers found solution: from Fiat Montecatini, from Edison to Pirelli, to the privatization of banks of national interest, just to name a few. Well, this sanctuary, maintained by a secular priest, from the clothes dedicated to a sober rigor, to which “wealth was more a weight than an advantage”, where he was present in entrepreneurs and in the state, yesterday is under attack. It’s the market, beauty! Thus, the pale of the command of industrial and financial history of the country became a strong siege today.

However, since yesterday, after the launch of Mount Dei Paschi Di Siena, from the public cambie offer, with the actions of Mediobanca, the world will no longer be the same. Yes, because, in addition to the technical details of the operation, there are many readings that analysts and more or less informed sources of the dossier. Many versions that start from industrial. Mediobanca, a little of the dominant merchant enamel, has lost -in recent years, to the advantage of a mutation in the retail bank, without really being able to become it. Thus, the union of the two, a net of effective final governance, could represent a perfect example of complementarity between the mountain, which has a commercial capacity among the best in Italy, and the competence in managing operations and savings of sophisticated finance, in which The Institute led by Alberto Nagel shines. Concrete hypothesis that someone “color”, even with a dose of parishism. Which translates to the intention of reporting part of investment decisions in the center of Italy, a rich place like the North, but where, thanks to fragmentation, there is no sufficient property to support the development of large projects. Most ideas remain in the hands of the large financial institutions based in Milan. Therefore, it is reasoning, investigations are transferred from the territories, where the requests for financing for Milanese directions, which evaluate the projects with the algorithms, are manifested, that evaluate the projects, which only, with the algorithms, without contact with productive realities.

A stronger parliamentarian with the financial dowry reborn by the flow of dividends of the generals who, abundant, enter the coffers of Piazzetta Cuccia every year, could move the center of gravity of decisions below the PO. -Mlumble the term of “Roman Power He became famous when Geronzi, president of the generals of the time, tried to change some of the decisions of the Lion of Trieste, to the capital. The attempt stopped by the members. The bridges. The instances have changed and more than an operation of the capital’s finances, someone will talk about a dossier started by Roman politics, in a broad sense. From the potential use of golden power, which would allow, at that time, the political class imagine a reprint of hiring the then secretary of the Democratic Party, Piero Fassino, who exclaimed in front of Unipol’s attempt to take the Banking del Lavora: “So we have a bank?” In this case, there would be up to two. Confirmed by analysts, namely, that at the end of the fair, the ultimate goal of the operation is the safe of the generals that contain not only a good part of the Italian rescue, but also a congruent package of the Italian government. A landfill of international financial speculation and whose role of the treasure accounts stabilizer, and sent derived from the economic system, would be placed in crisis, according to the version of the Caltagirone and Delfin, from the recent agreement with the French Natixis that could move the administration from 650 billion to Paris. With all respect for Italian financial sovereignty.

To complete. It is still early to understand which one draws you Celk behind operations, partly already rejected by the market that considers the conditions offered not attractive. Yesterday, the purchases rewarded the title of the mediobranca and the sales of MPs. To support the validity of all exposed theses, the comment of a race banker who said: “However, there is still the first half of the film in this dossier, in which the prefixed goal will be achieved. But there will certainly be a second half whose protagonists have not yet been taken to the field. Carousel’s return has just begun.
Who knows if he would like to approve.

Source: IL Tempo
