Spain will reduce the hours of working week

Spain is ready to reduce the working week from 40 to 37.5 hours. This was founded by the Madrid government by approved a measure waiting for the green light of the parliament after one year of sensitive negotiations. “The legal duration of this working week has not changed in our country for 41 years,” Sumar Radical Left Alliance, a part of the majority, is a part of the majority.

“Reducing the working day will increase the productivity of our country. It doesn’t make sense to spend hours and hours, we must be efficient at work”, responsible for guiding this sign reform of the Spanish left government of the Spanish left government.


The accepted text is the result of an agreement signed with two main workers’ unions on December 20, UGT and CCOO, but without employer organizations decided to leave the negotiation desk after eleven -month explosions in the mid -November.

Companies are concerned about the impact of reform on Spanish competitiveness, and they believe that all sectors are not at the same level and indeed a general decrease in working hours can weaken some companies. However, the Minister said that Spain is now more work and that “modernizing” the country should.

The agreement signed in October 2023, Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez’s Sumar and Spanish Socialist Party (PSOE) decided to reduce the legal working week from 40 to 37.5 hours without any wage loss until December 31, 2025.

The astonishment of the independent

This discount will affect approximately 12 million employees in the private sector, especially in retail, catering and agricultural sectors, because 37.5 working week is currently valid for public service and large companies. In addition to the entrepreneurship community, the main challenge for the Sánchez government, which does not have an absolute majority in the deputies’ chamber, is to convince minority partners about the principles of reform to the Coalition.

In fact, the agreement collided with the astonishment of the Catalan Group, which is the Catalan Group, which was the formation of two allies of the government, but first of all, the Catalan Group, which was considered to be close to the entrepreneurship community.

A historical turning point to improve the quality of life of workers and workers “Democratic Party leader Elly Schlein,” another model of the future shows that it is possible in Italy “.

Source: Today IT
