The new government’s challenges to sustain economic growth

After the impact of the covid-19 pandemic and the later economic recovery of the country on all fronts, several sectors have identified the challenges facing the next government that reins of colombia for the next four years.

Issues such as technical assistance to agriculture, environmental compensationspromoting the consumption of products of Colombian origin and promoting alternative energies are the proposals of the agricultural and livestock sector.

At the same time, they emphasize in the financial sector that it is necessary to businessmen and entrepreneurs Colombians through easy access to credit.

In terms of industry, it is crucial to promote business growth along with social development and job creation. In addition, the country must have the implementation of a comprehensive foreign trade policy in the face of the new reality of the international market

In terms of foreign trade, the main challenge is the use of: trade agreements and that barriers to this sector are removed, thereby reducing redundant paperwork.

Meanwhile, the hydrocarbon sector states that a key challenge is to promote efficiency measures in all environmental procedures, as well as sound energy policies implemented by the government and supported by the sector.

Infrastructure proposes that investment is a state policyas there is “a great need” to work on secondary and tertiary roads so that this sector becomes a great engine for the economy of the country.

From the construction sector, they state that the housing policy It must be a priority on the economic and social agenda of the next government.

Source: El heraldo
