High pregnancy rates in many livestock herds, despite the spring drought of 2021

High pregnancy rates in many livestock herds, despite the spring drought of 2021

Satisfactory results include improving livestock management through more accurate feed planning; The good price of slaughtered cows in previous years was also affected

Better livestock management has contributed to good results despite adverse environmental conditions
Better livestock management has contributed to good results despite adverse environmental conditions

An unexpected phenomenon occurs in several districts of the Pampas region: Satisfactory pregnancy rates in rectal examinations of the ordered herd, despite the fact that by 2021 the service was conducted in very unfavorable weather. The opposite logic of expectation was the dry spring of 2021 and the beginning of 2022, which technicians are studying.

A well-known consultant who visits several cattle farms in different provinces of Argentina measured the rates in more than 90% of cows and more than 95% of 15-month-old cows on a well-run farm in the Ayacucho area. She also found high pregnancy rates at other companies in Olavarría, General Alvear and Pigüé. South of Cordoba, near the San Luis border, he measured 96% of 300 cows, a percentage that was repeated in the Bouchardo field.

Second, Alfonso Sebrali, meat manager at Select Sires & Juan Debernardi, also noted surprisingly high pregnancy rates in several areas, citing an example located in the Alem district, near Junin, which had an overall pregnancy rate of 82% between 2021 and 92. % In 2022.

Improve handling

Similar mentions are found in various groups of livestock on social networks, although it is also clear that the birth rate is falling sharply in the fields due to poor nutrition and reproductive management. Consultant Fernando Canoza warns that “in the south-west of Buenos Aires – Bahia Blanca, Villarino – the results are very bad after two years of strong drought.” The explanation for the high rates of pregnancy indicates better management of the offspring.

According to Canosa, “in previous years, herd cleaning has made a significant contribution due to the high cost of discarded cows.” It was also influenced by the sophisticated planning of the feed, supported by supplements, which allowed the cows to maintain a normal body condition during service.Many of them also helped with early breastfeeding.

Cebral’s explanation focuses on improving the management of many fields, eliminating unsuccessful and forgiving cows within a year. “Buying a replacement cow at a high livestock price by selling old cows is not as difficult as it used to be,” he said.

Source: La Nacion


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