They invested $100 million in Formosa, and now they’re being denied light production

They invested $100 million in Formosa, and now they’re being denied light production

Entrepreneurs Juan Ignacio de Hagen, Francisco Paoltroni and Roberto Schulz built a factory to squeeze soybeans in Ibarreta, 200 kilometers from the capital; They deny that they are not given a link from a firm in which the provincial government is involved

Roberto Schulz, one of the project partners Juan Ignacio de Hagen and Francisco Paolotroni.  They established the agro-industry of Formosa
Roberto Schulz, one of the project partners Juan Ignacio de Hagen and Francisco Paolotroni. They established the agro-industry of Formosa

in each sentence, John Ignatius of Hagen (38) reflects anger. A year ago, he and his partners started Francis Paoltron (41) i Robert Schultz (28), an enterprise that will bring employment and investment to the city Ibarreta, A city located 200 kilometers west of Formosa. Friends invest $100 million to build soybean extrusion plant from scratchBut this dream was interrupted, as they say, the provincial government is run by the “whims” of the company.

Agroindustry of Formosa is a company founded by friends and is the first factory in the entire province to process soybeans. De Hagen talks about it as a strategic project for Formosa to promote agriculture and livestock, in addition to direct and indirect job generation.

However, for a long time, the plant, which is on National Route 81, was paralyzed by the decision of Formosa SA (Refsa) Resources and Energy, the electricity supplier in the region, whose main shareholder is the government. Guild Insfran.

The company, as they commented to this media, is preventing businessmen from starting their activities due to a still unknown decision. “We started the works in July last year. We have done all the strict procedures for the authorization of the project to use electricity in the province, all the projects were submitted in August and October from the electricity distribution company Refs, they approved everything. “- said de Hagen. ღ.

The company aims to process soybeans from NEA
The company aims to process soybeans from NEA

This was the beginning of the work they carried out with a team of engineers from a private company in the province of Santa Fe, this firm was responsible for making the entire electrical installation. According to them, the project was implemented as planned and recommended by a senior official of Refsa.

The first works were completed at the beginning of June this year, and the most time-consuming work came later. “After three failed attempts, they requested that we be connected to the provincial grid, confirming the date of the power outage. [en el lugar] and the actual connection to the network,” he said. The scheduled date was June 30.

The surprise was not long in coming when the company’s team was on the ground. “When a call was made to the central that the cut could be connected, they verbally refused. Later, when we asked for an explanation, they told us that it was an order from above, they did not allow us to disconnect the electricity to start the connection,” says the entrepreneur..

The interior part of the plant
The interior part of the plant

From that day to now, 20 days have passed since entrepreneurs are waiting for a response due to lack of connection.

“The start of the factory works will be delayed because we are losing the light”, he said. After this incident, Schultz, as manager and legal representative of Agroindustria de Formosa, submitted a note to the energy firm’s manager, Benjamin Villalba, who was presented with the project last year, to advise on strict procedures and to avoid embarrassment. . It was he who was asked to explain why they refused to supply him with electricity.

In the document, they state that the need for a quick response “is not only due to minimizing the economic damage caused by the company, but also to remove an obvious obstacle to the creation of at least seven permanent quality local jobs; thereby promoting industrialization, job creation and value addition in agricultural and livestock production in the most neglected region of the province”.

After this letter, de Hagen indicated that they had evasive answers. “They claimed it was a huge loss with the power outage To connect a large area. This is the excuse they are giving us in writing now,” he said.

The company hired a company from Santa Fe to make internal connections
The company hired a company from Santa Fe to make internal connections

Strictly speaking, in a note signed by Sebastian Lezcano as Refsa’s legal representative, it was claimed that programming the connection involves bringing a 33kV feeder into the zone.

“They will leave such places as Comandante Fontana, Estanislao del Campo, Tigre, Perrin and others without electricity supply,” the answer states. It added that the situation would “cause losses to the company” due to unsold energy “and inconvenience to customers throughout the area”. He specified that this “requires internal planning, both for the commissioning and rollout of a service of this scale”.

“We have the whole plant ready to start processing soybeans, we already have the beans to start working, we have all the employees already trained and everything to start. We are not able to move forward because of the capriciousness of the provincial government to deny the light. “ The businessman synthesized indignantly.

Formosa Agribusiness will become the first soybean processing plant in Formosa
Formosa Agribusiness will become the first soybean processing plant in Formosa

Source: La Nacion
