Tapiro to Flavia Vento for alleged betrayal with Totti: “I hope one day to have an apology”

Striscia la Notizia’s correspondent returns to the attack with the soubrette almost 20 years after the historic dolmen who handed them over at the time of Francesco Totti’s alleged betrayals. “It’s been 20 years and I’ve been chaste for 10”, jokes the actress.

Author: Giulia Turco

Valerio Staffelli hits Flavia Vento to give you a new one golden tapir. The correspondent of take the news returns to the attack with the actress almost 20 years after the historic tapir who delivered them at the time of the alleged betrayals of Francesco Totti. The scandal created a media case mainly because the football player was about to marry Ilary Blasi, then pregnant with their first child Christian.

When Flavia Vento ended up in the gossip about Totti’s betrayals

The report aired in 2005: the correspondent had prevented Flavia Vento from asking him more about rumors that at the time he wanted her involved in a love affair with the then captain of Roma. If at first the showgirl denied any accusation, with the cameras removed she confided in Staffelli that the gossip was “all true“.”I’m not crazy, making things up for myself“, he had whispered to Striscia’s correspondent. The showgirl ended up in the spotlight after the bomb dropped by Fabrizio Corona against the couple: the former king of the paparazzi had spoken about the football player’s alleged relationships, in particular a flirt with Flavia Vento It happened just a month before the wedding.

Staffelli repeats the sketch with Flavia Vento in Striscia la Notizia

In the Monday, October 3, episode of Antonio Ricci’s satirical news, Staffelli returns to Flavia Vento to deliver the tapir, in light of the breakup between Totti and Ilary, the new story undertaken by the former captain with Noemi Bocchi and the alleged repeated betrayals of which they spoke. “Still with this Francesco? It’s been 20 years and I’ve been chaste for 10“, replies Vento, taken by surprise by the envoy.”One day I hope to receive an apology…“, continues without specifying who would like to receive them from. Staffelli then tries the 2005 “stunt” again and follows the showgirl to the taxi, but this time, of course, Vento has no fiery revelation to make.

Source: Fan Page IT
