Everything is buy online today and you are not alone amazon as a great platform to get everything from books to clothes, from food to furniture. Also alibaba, the largest e-commerce platform in the East, has opened up to the new trend of buying homes online. they actually exist various models of houses you can buy at known asian e-commerce and they all have the characteristics of being prefabricated And, especially economic.
How is a prefab house made?
You don’t necessarily have to ask an architect or spend a lot of money to have your own. dream house. Sometimes all you need to do is go to a regular e-commerce platform like Alibaba to buy a house with all the comforts of a traditional dwelling. O basic model and cheaper to buy on Alibaba is a prefab house from about 20 square meters that does not require the assembly of any crane and costs less than 2,000 euros.
The best-selling model on Alibaba is the container house made with an already painted galvanized frame and extra anti-rust quality. The structure has a thickness of only 2 or 3 millimeters but guarantees sufficient internal insulation, structural safety and resistance to magnitude 8 earthquakes. the house comes Sent everywhere separate sections which only needs to be assembled on site. The base module is a single environment that can be used as room with bathroom. The container house, however, is a modular project that allows you to add other rooms at home according to needs and economic availability.
The other houses to buy on Alibaba
I am many models of prefab houses available on Alibaba, which differ in size, cost and services. The biggest supplier on the platform of such houses is Laizhou Dingrong Steel Structure Co.a Chinese company based in Laizhou, Shandong province, specializing in development and modular house production Of all kinds.
Thanks to a team of professionals, the company offers support from project conception to installation. Their best selling houses are the modules that you can assemble on site and create different configurations with two, three or four bedrooms. O basic moduleexcluding services like the bathroom, it costs little around 800 euros but you can also pay more than 7,000 euros for a duplex house, with transport and installation included.
Source: Fan Page IT
Barry Siefert is an accomplished journalist and author at The Nation View. He is known for his expertise in the field of cryptocurrency, and has written extensively on the topic. With a background in finance and economics, Barry has a deep understanding of the underlying technology and market forces that drive the crypto industry.