King Charles “fires” Angela Kelly: Queen Elizabeth II’s stylist is no longer on the royal team

Remember Angela Kelly, Queen Elizabeth II’s personal stylist? To this day she is no longer part of the royal staff, the new King Charles III in fact decided to dismiss her.

Author: Valeria Paglionico

There death of queen elizabeth II was not only a shock to millions of subjects, but also revolutionized the internal dynamics of Real family. Prince Charles became king under the name of Charles III, Camilla was made Queen Consort, while William and Kate rose in the line of succession, assuming the title of Duke of Wales. Now that the period of mourning has officially ended, the new ruler is truly playing his important role for the first time. What sets you apart from your mother? He intends to dynamize the monarchy and apparently began to implement his purpose from the staff. The first to be “fired” was Angela Kellythe well-known stylist and confidant of the late queen.

Angela Kelly and the deep friendship with the Queen

Remember Angela Kelly? She was the stylist and image curator of Queen Elizabeth II, who took care of the choice of rock, colorful and symbolic looks that the sovereign wore in public. The collaboration began more than 30 years ago: to become the monarch’s seamstress, Angela Kelly gave up her career as a pilot in the Royal Army Women’s Corps and went to court. Spending a lot of time side by side, the two also became friends and confidants and it’s not surprising that they stayed together until the end. The intimacy achieved with Lilibet, however, was not enough to keep her at Buckingham Palace: the new King Charles III in fact fired her.

Angela Kelly at the London Fashion Shows with Queen Elizabeth II
Angela Kelly at the London Fashion Shows with Queen Elizabeth II

Why Charles III fired Angela Kelly

According to rumors leaked by British tabloids, it appears that King Charles Angela Kelly never liked her because she had too much influence on her mother’s official choices. It is even said that he nicknamed him the AK47 for his sharp tongue. The decision to remove her from the Royal Family, therefore, did not surprise the well-informed. What few imagined is that the new sovereign would have given the good service to several former employees of Elizabeth, just think of the fact that only one of them remained in the palace, namely Paul Whybrew, named Tall Paul, the monarch’s personal butler. deceased. What will be the future of Angela Kelly? She will “console” herself with some provisions arranged by the queen herself: she will move into a historic residence owned by the crown and publish memorials to her late friend.

Source: Fan Page IT
