Elisa EspositoTikTok star with his lessons in corsair, she told her followers, revealing something never said before in the video “A part of me I’ve never told you before”. The anecdote goes back to her birth, on July 24, 2002, when her mother started not feeling her in her belly anymore. It was the ninth month of pregnancy. Elisa explains: “It’s been 20 years since that day, the scar is still there and I carry it with great happiness, it’s now part of me even though I tend to hide it often.”
The story
When Elisa Esposito’s mother arrived at the hospital, after a few visits, she received the communication: we performed an emergency cesarean section. The reason? The umbilical cord was around her neck and Elisa was in danger of suffocating. However, surgery was not the right way. The cord was practically too close to the eye that was cut by the scalpel. A matter of millimeters and Elisa could have gone blind. Born underweight, just two pounds, so the story had a happy ending. And a scar, as she said.
My mother on July 24, 2002, now in the ninth month of pregnancy, feels something wrong in her stomach, she decides to go to the hospital. She explains to the doctor that she no longer felt my stomach, they told her everything was fine. My mother was more and more convinced that I didn’t feel in her belly, she insists on doing more investigations. The doctor did another ultrasound and noticed that I had the umbilical cord in my neck, I wasn’t breathing and I was about to suffocate. They give him an emergency cesarean, during which something went wrong due to the rush. “Lady to save your daughter, with the scalpel we cut her close to her eye, she was about to go blind.” They had to sew me up, I was underweight and had a patch bigger than my face.
Source: Fan Page IT
Emma Fitzgerald is an accomplished political journalist and author at The Nation View. With a background in political science and international relations, she has a deep understanding of the political landscape and the forces that shape it.