Big Brother VIP 2022/2023
Big Brother VIP 2022/2023
The competitors of Big Brother VIP They have violated one of the rules more banal than the reality show presented by Alfonso Signorini. For this, the production informed that they would receive a feather. Here’s what happened on Tuesday morning, October 11th, and how the Vppians reacted.
What rule did the Vippos violate and the resulting provision
A statement posted on the official website of Big Brother Vip and read in the house by Patrizia Rossetti and Luca Salatino, explains which rule was violated by the contestants of the reality show. The Vippos took the freeze, one of the show’s most banal rules, seriously. By now, everyone knows that when the freeze is triggered, you have to either stand still or suffer penalties, but – apparently – competitors ignored this rule and therefore incurred a measure. They saw their spending budget cut by up to 80 euros, a considerable amount considering the number of competitors who have to feed themselves at home:
Big Brother, following repeated non-observance of the Freeze rules, decided to assign a penalty to all inhabitants of the House. For this reason, the budget of 380 euros for expenses was reduced by a good 80 euros. You therefore only have 300 euros available for your weekly purchases.
The reaction of GF Vip competitors
Amaurys Perez felt questioned by the measure, because during the emotional surprise received by his wife during the October 10 episode, he violated the freeze. So he looked visibly embittered. Patrizia Rossetti tried to comfort him, explaining that, in reality, the blame is shared by everyone. He also added that rather than crying over spilled milk, it’s much better to cherish what happened and stand still next time. Cristina Quaranta also invited Amaurys not to regret it, because when you are overwhelmed with emotions, it is understandable that you forget to freeze when the freeze triggers. Luca Salatino is among the competitors who looked the most worried, so he immediately sat down to try to make ends meet. Wilma Goich, on the other hand, preferred not to participate at the time of shopping because she was still upset with the discussions held for the same reason in the previous weeks.
Source: Fan Page IT
Emma Fitzgerald is an accomplished political journalist and author at The Nation View. With a background in political science and international relations, she has a deep understanding of the political landscape and the forces that shape it.