Melissa Satta announces the end of his love affair with Mattia Rivetti. With an Instagram story published a few hours ago, the former take the news makes it known that she is single again. “After almost 2 years my relationship came to an end. Thank you Melissa”, is what the showgirl wrote in a story. Her bond with Rivetti was important enough to push her out of the closet, but a desire to avoid further gossip, also about possible new acquaintances for both of them, prompted her to come out to announce their breakup.
The love story between Melissa Satta and Mattia Rivetti
Contrary to what happened previously with the long relationships established with ex-husband Kevin Prince Boateng and, even before that, with Bobo Vieri, on this occasion Melissa preferred to keep her relationship with Rivetti out of the spotlight. Very few social photos shared by former showgirls who, only recently, went off-balance by admitting dreaming of a child with their partner.
Who is Mattia Rivetti?
Mattia Rivetti, Melissa Satta’s last known partner, is an Italian businessman. 2.8% of the famous Moncler brand belongs to his family. Very reserved, he doesn’t like to appear on social networks, so much so that his Instagram profile is private. The relationship with Melissa started just under two years ago, but quickly became important, so much so that both came to the fore. Last summer, Melissa and Mattia were photographed together on vacation in Sardinia. These photos taken by the paparazzi showed that on the part of the ex-fabric there was no intention of keeping the relationship with the businessman a secret. With the same sincerity, Satta announced the separation. Rivetti, on the other hand, made no statements.
Source: Fan Page IT
Emma Fitzgerald is an accomplished political journalist and author at The Nation View. With a background in political science and international relations, she has a deep understanding of the political landscape and the forces that shape it.