Sara Manfuso: “Stay away from GF Vip because I was uncomfortable, before TV there is the relationship with ourselves”

Sara Manfuso returns to talk about two weeks after the decision to leave Big Brother Vip.

Edited by Editorial Entertainment

Sara Manfuso today she was invited by Verissimo where she spoke about her experience in Big Brother VIP. About two weeks after his decision to leave home suddenly, Manfuso spoke about himself on Silvia Toffanin’s show, telling the story that happened in the first few weeks of the reality show:

“They were very difficult and complicated days, but finally calm is returning. […] We assume that if you enter Big Brother Vip you are used to cameras and have an overexposed ego. At first I didn’t think Marco Bellavia could really get into trouble. Before entering there are a series of tests that we are subjected to. I thought: if Marco is here, that means he can stay there. I did not think that he carried within this pain and this evil of living”.

The discomfort for the Bellavia case

Speaking again of Bellavia “I had noticed strange things and exaggerated behavior. When he was lying on the floor I was sleeping and when there was the episode of the confrontation I could see what had happened in those hours in the house where I was staying. The tears, the indifference […] When I saw Marco’s videos, I felt like I was dying. The situation was very serious. I also talked to Marco, we cried together and hugged. Those images never aired.”

So Manfuso defends his action against the Bellavia case: “I’m no better than the others, but I did my best for him. He spoke to me of exhaustion. I felt right there that he needed something deeper than a hug. Where there is pathology, they serve prepared figures. I’m proud of what I did.” But obviously it’s not my role to diagnose someone. But with a clear conscience I feel at ease.”

The Ciacci Question: “Never Accused of Sexual Harassment”

Finally, the question regarding his farewell and the reference to this unease expressed by Giovanni Ciacci’s attitude: “I think it was a missed opportunity. I never thought I’d say that Ciacci molested me. I mean that sometimes inner discomfort takes on forms that aren’t always legible. Why didn’t I say that in the confessional? Because it’s an open wound and I often can’t manage it.” I wanted to say to Alfonso that he had abysses inside, but I didn’t have time, he threw me out first “. Then, about the relationship with Signorini, he added: “I didn’t go out to make it up to him, I wasn’t among the penalty-worthy people of the Big Brother Vip production. I withdrew because I felt uncomfortable in that house. I wanted to walk out of there looking in the mirror and say: you did the right thing. Before the world of TV, there is the relationship with oneself”.

Source: Fan Page IT
