Constantine 2 with Keanu Reeves is in the works, director update

Constantine 2 would finally be in the works. Director Francis Lawrence has revealed that the sequel to the 2005 film starring Keanu Reeves, inspired by the Hellblazer comic book saga, is in the process of being written.

Author: Ilaria Costabile

Among the films that saw the protagonist Keanu Reeves and who also had some success there constantine, which opened in theaters on February 18, 2005. There has been talk of a sequel to the film for years that, however, was never made. In an interview with ComingBook, the film’s director Francisco Lourençostated that instead it was decided to resume it and the long-awaited second chapter is in the works.

Director’s statements

The director, by the way, revealed that the “demon hunter” story had been blocked in recent years because problems arose with DC Comics and Vertigo Comics, who made claims about the ownership of the rights, but which were resolved and therefore, he is ready to work on a second film:

We don’t have a script, but Keanu, me and Akiva [Goldsman] that all worked together on the first one, we’ve all tried over the years to start another one. It was difficult because of the DC/Vertigo world and who owns the character and who has control over the characters, trying to get the right people to move forward. We have now and now we need the story. We would all like to do that.

Keanu Reeves will be Constantine again

Keanu Reeves played the role of John Constantine, an evil soul hunter who has made a pact with the devil that keeps him from dying, even though he has advanced lung cancer. The actor would return to take on the role of the character inspired by the comic book saga of hell blazer🇧🇷 It seems that there are still some doubts about who can play the various roles in the second film as well, but it will all depend on the evolution of the story, although the ending of the first film left several glimpses of the story open.

Source: Fan Page IT
