Attilio Romita’s breakdown: “Growing old is very bad, at 30 I ate them all”

Big Brother VIP 2022/2023

For the first time in tears in front of the cameras, Attilio experiences age as the limit for the group’s dynamics: “I no longer have the spirit or body”. Signorini, with a very important lesson received from Sandra Mondaini: “The beauty of old age is being able to say what we like”.

Author: Giulia Turco

Big Brother VIP 2022/2023

It was hard days for Atilio Romita, convinced until the end that he would not have passed the televote of the week. In the nomination with Giaele and Pamela Prati, as a journalist he not only escaped, but became the favorite of the three. The choice of audience was completely unexpected for him, who suffered a strong emotional collapse, due to the difficulty of fitting into the dynamics of the House, especially with the younger ones.

The collapse of Attilio Romita

For the first time Romita proved fragile and in tears in front of the cameras. Thanks to his long stay at the Casa, the journalist felt desolate, he felt that he had not achieved his intention to stand out in the group. he was heard like your age is a limit🇧🇷 🇧🇷If I left it would be a failure, I could have played much better, I wish I had done well”, he vented to his companions.

The comfort of Alfonso Signorini and the lesson of Sandra Mondaini

🇧🇷getting old is horrible🇧🇷, reiterates Tg1’s former face in the episode. 🇧🇷They can tell me my years don’t show them all but here I realized that I no longer have the vervenor the physique, the ability to make double faces, to do the para*ulo”, he explains bitterly. 🇧🇷I lost these qualities🇧🇷 I’m sure at 30 I would have eaten them all.” To reassure him, Signorini takes care of him, addressing a very important topic, that of maturity and beauty.

You know Attilio, there’s a beautiful lesson I learned from Sandra Mondaini. During the last period she was alive, I loved to visit her at her house and you know what she used to tell me? He said to me, ‘Alfonso, you know: old age is a big pain in the ass, but it gives us an extraordinary luxury, to be able to be ourselves and say what we want.’

Attilio, moved by his reflection, receives words of also esteems Sonia Bruganelli, who is not at all ready to attack him for his supposed lack of verve, on the contrary, she appreciates the true essence of him. 🇧🇷I understand that over time the age difference makes itself felt, but I appreciated your ability to not take yourself too seriously. That’s what I like about people.”

Source: Fan Page IT
