The series that was produced and broadcast by the American channel Nickelodeon tells how teenagers lived in their high school years in the James K. Polk and dealt with various themes and situations throughout the day of the protagonists.
Last Friday the actress lindsey shaw, who plays Jennifer ‘Moze’ Mosleyassured in his TikTok account that the series will return as a podcast
In a video he posted to his profile, Shaw thrills fans by showing off Devon Werkheiser and Daniel Curtis Lee, who played Ned Bigby Y Simon Nelson “Cookie”, respectively in the series. The actress asks the two “Do you want me back?” and the actors answer yes. Seconds later, it shows an image confirming the return of ‘Ned’s School Survival Manual’, for digital platforms.
Source: El heraldo
Smith Charles is a talented entertainment journalist and author at The Nation View. He has a passion for all things entertainment and writes about the latest movies, TV shows, music, and celebrity news. He’s known for his in-depth interviews with actors, musicians, and other industry figures, and his ability to provide unique perspectives on the entertainment industry.