GFVip, Giaele: “Sonia Bruganelli saves Antonella as she did with Soleil last year”

Giaele De Donà hypothesizes that Sonia Bruganelli is saving Antonella Fiordelisi on purpose.

Author: Ilaria Costabile

After the episode Big Brother VIP aired on Saturday, December 17th, the gieffini comment on what happened and some begin to speculate on the behavior of the commentators as well. Giaele DeDonàin conversation with Micol Incorvaia, talks about one of his theories, which has as its protagonist Sonia Bruganelli🇧🇷

Giaele De Donà’s hypothesis about Sonia Bruganelli

According to gieffina, Sonia Bruganelli would be implementing a strategy, already implemented last year with Soleil Sorge, which ended up being her favorite in each episode, with Antonella Fiordelisi. In fact, the columnist openly attacked both Giaele De Donà and Oriana Marzoli, saving the former fencer and, in this regard, the influencer reflects with Micol saying:

It seems that you are doing the same thing as last year from Soleil, everyone was against Soleil and she gave her immunity, so maybe because she sees that more and more people still think badly of Antonella, rightly so, also because in de anyway she is a columnist, it’s not that she can be silent, so she says that a group was created against it, but which group, we are simply many different people who, by the way, have nothing to do with each other.

Sonia Bruganelli against Giaele and Oriana

After the dispute with Edoardo Donnamaria, with whom the relationship now seems to be on the verge of definitively ending, Antonella Fiordelisi is contested by a large part of the Chamber and even the public does not seem to support her as before. According to Giaele, this would be the motivation that led Sonia Bruganelli to side with her, knowing that she was creating an explosive dynamic at the Cinecittà house. The columnist, incidentally, had openly positioned himself against Giaele and Oriana, who had united against Antonino Spinalbese saying: “What are we talking about, they are totally ridiculous.”🇧🇷

Source: Fan Page IT
