Travel and global experiences, the style that Greta De Santi follows

And of his travels, which land on Tik Tok with millions of views. The blogger and influencer is now toasting another big success: she has a lot of power on social networks and her trips are going super viral. Some time ago, however, I could never have imagined such a thing.

Greta De Santi often shares the places she visits with her followers: smartphones and social networks are always ready to record travels around the world. Greta De Santi, 22, took part in “Ex on the beach Italy” as a contestant.

But TV represents the past because now it is depopulating on Tik Tok where it wants to make itself known in the best possible way and in a different aspect. In short, Greta wants to become popular thanks to her great passions, music and travel. So he moved to Dubai, a destination in the Emirates chosen by many Italians abroad.

“This is a real job, many young people are drawn to the world of social networking,” he says. “An opportunity that gives many young people the opportunity to create a future in a concrete way, leaving behind the old concept of working in an office.”

After her arrival on Tik Tok, Greta scores goals and achieves another success with millions of views. Of course, it means that his great talent on Instagram and Tik Tok is once again rewarded by his followers.

Source: El heraldo
